Posts Tagged ‘ blog ’

Somewhere to rest your head

Posted on November 25th, 2011 Comments Off on Somewhere to rest your head

Somewhere near Gerrard and Pembroke.

Filed under: Patrick Bay, Pictures

The thousand word blog

Posted on November 24th, 2011 Comments Off on The thousand word blog

Well howdy, dear reader! Been a while, eh?

Thing is, I’ve not had much time to keep up TCL. Between my full time job, my nerd blog, my blurby pundit blog, my billion-dollar software project, an ever-hungry cat, and a girlfriend who’s Multiple Sclerosis tends to keep me busy, it’s kinda tough to write those long diatribes I used to dedicate untold hours to. Shame, cuz current stuff like Occupy Toronto is right up my alley.

But shit, I still loves me this city, I still have a camera, the internet connection’s still humming, and for some reason you keep coming back here.

So here’s the plan for the foreseeable future: at least a picture a day (it’s how TCL got its start and it seems reasonable), whatever comes off the Flickr feed, and if I happen to be inspired enough to spend the five minutes of the free time I have every day, perhaps I’ll work in some text. But that’s a definite maybe.

TCL is going back to basics — no more contributors, no more complicated topics, a simpler design; just Life in the City of Toronto in a thousand visual words (or less).

Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay

Sugar delivery

Posted on October 27th, 2011 Comments Off on Sugar delivery
sugar, ship, sugar beach, corus quay, redpath, night, toronto, city, life, blog

Offloading sugar at the Redpath refinery, Sugar Beach, Corus Quay

Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, Pictures

Lightning strikes

Posted on October 26th, 2011 Comments Off on Lightning strikes
lightning, art, corus quay, decoration, toronto, city, life, blog

Lightning bolt art at Corus Quay

Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, Pictures

Jerry Agar speaks!

Posted on September 9th, 2011 10 Comments

Here’s a brief collection of some of Newstalk 1010’s resident loudmouth Jerry Agar’ quotes. I’m starting to see why he lost his job as a radio host in the states in 2009.

Jerry on who should make up Congress (he’s not being ironic here):

Just imagine a day in Washington D.C. when the new Congress shows up and it’s all new people. They don’t have any deals in place…they arrive in Washington not knowing what they’re doing. How good is that?!

… Continue Reading

Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, Videos

Thanks, Jack (part 3)

Posted on August 28th, 2011 1 Comment

Jack Layton’s casket at City Hall being viewed by the public on Friday evening, one of the last chances that the general public had to pay their respects before the funeral on Saturday.

Filed under: B Sides

Thanks, Jack (part 2)

Posted on August 27th, 2011 Comments Off on Thanks, Jack (part 2)

Jack Layton, former Toronto Councillor and deputy mayor (and most recently leader of the NDP), lying in state at City Hall on Friday night was surrounded by an outpouring of support.

… Continue Reading

Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, Pictures

Thanks, Jack (part 1)

Posted on August 27th, 2011 2 Comments

Sarah and I went to see Jack Layton on Friday evening as he lay in state at City Hall. The outpouring of support was impressive.

jack layton, memorial, city hall, nathan phillips square, toronto, city, life, blog

Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, Pictures

Oakley and the compassionate tat

Posted on August 26th, 2011 1 Comment

So there’s this guy I’ve been chatting with on Twitter over the last couple of days named Troy Oakley (@OakleyInc) who convinced me that maybe, just maybe, not all conservatives are heartless jerks.

Okay, so it might seem like I’m name dropping here — Troy did after all manage to land country-wide headlines today over this little bit of body art:

tattoo, troy oakley, jack layton, toronto, city, life, blog

…but that’s not the case. You see, our discussion started around the awful direction that the conservatives seem to be heading in in this country. Everyone from Rob Ford to Steven Harper come across as callous axe-wielding maniacs bent on destroying every vestige of humanity in this great country.

Then, almost as if by magic, Troy stepped out of the Twitterverse and agreed with me, all the while claiming he was also a conservative. He even admired the recently departed Jack Layton of the NDP party (the mainstream Commies of the Canadian political spectrum) — someone almost anathema to the Progressive Conservatives.

I was, like, come again?

Yup, seems like you can still believe in not wasting money, being responsible, and all that other stuff without being a bloodthirsty bureaucrat. In fact, the final words Layton wrote as he was on his deathbed resonated with Troy so much that he had them tattooed on his arm. And I gotta say, despite being generally averse to marking up my own flesh, this is something I could never fault anyone for etching on their skin. Beats the hell out of meaningless Chinese symbols or fancy geometric patterns.

And holy fuck if it doesn’t give me hope for the future.

If you happen to be around tonight, tune in to Newstalk 1010 at around 9:45 to hear an interview with Troy, or just pick up a paper tomorrow and read about how the world may not quite be ready to go to hell in a hand basket just yet.

Filed under: Contributed, Patrick Bay, Pictures

Rob Ford on Day of Mourning for Layton. Kind of.

Posted on August 23rd, 2011 2 Comments

Here’s what the mayor’s office has to say about a national day of mourning for the recently departed Jack Layton:

Thank you for your email.

As I promised during the mayoralty election, I am dedicated to delivering customer service excellence, creating a transparent and accountable government, reducing the size and cost of government and building a transportation city.

I will continue to work on behalf of the taxpayers to make sure you get the respect you deserve.

This note is to confirm that we have received your email and that we are looking into your matter.

Please feel free to follow up to check the status of your email.

Thanks again and have a great day.

Yours truly,
Mayor Rob Ford
City of Toronto

Brimming with commitment! Contextually insightful! Not an automated response at all!

But if you doubt these statements, perhaps enough people signing on to the petition might do the trick:



Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay