Archive for the ‘ SarahD ’ Category

Why Rob Ford is an outright coward but also narcissistic to the core! Toronto News: Toronto asks to opt out of Ontario Municipal Board –

Posted on February 7th, 2012 Comments Off on Why Rob Ford is an outright coward but also narcissistic to the core! Toronto News: Toronto asks to opt out of Ontario Municipal Board ––ttc-chair-karen-stintz-submits-petition-that-could-resurrect-light-rail-plan

Filed under: SarahD

Why they’re wrong… @3:45 a.m…

Posted on February 7th, 2012 Comments Off on Why they’re wrong… @3:45 a.m…

Hello all!

After a sleepless night in bed toiling over something I read yesterday, I figured I should blog about my new favourite subject– the Fordites!

What did they do this time you might be wondering (or why shud I care)… Well, lemme tell you! They seem to be of the belief that Mayor RoFo stands a chance in hell cuz he has the majority!

WOAH! (I can hear your thoughts! Creepy, huh?! heh).

Check out their math skills:
emergency transit vote called for by Karen Stinz — cllr for the TTC.
24/44 cllrs for her transit plan + for a proper vote.

The reason it needed to be voted upon is b/c RoFo never let council vote on much in the past!!!

Why not? Cuz he thinks he owns the entire city.

Reality: he won with 42% of the vote, meaning that the other % was split apart amongst the other campaigners.

But it all MUST BE TRUE because Rob Ford + his clan of idiots say so.

Yours truly,
~ SarahD ;)

Filed under: SarahD

Rebellion at City Hall: Everything You Need to Know About City Council’s Special Transit Meeting | news | Torontoist

Posted on February 6th, 2012 Comments Off on Rebellion at City Hall: Everything You Need to Know About City Council’s Special Transit Meeting | news | Torontoist

Filed under: SarahD

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford and brother Doug show contempt for integrity rules –

Posted on February 6th, 2012 Comments Off on Toronto Mayor Rob Ford and brother Doug show contempt for integrity rules ––toronto-mayor-rob-ford-and-brother-doug-show-contempt-for-integrity-rules

Filed under: SarahD

Rob Ford vs City of Toronto unions: “A historic test” for labour

Posted on February 6th, 2012 Comments Off on Rob Ford vs City of Toronto unions: “A historic test” for labour

Filed under: SarahD


Posted on February 6th, 2012 Comments Off on YouTube

Filed under: SarahD, Why I'm Right

Brothers Ford make a hasty retreat on school nutrition programs after realizing they look like jerks | Gravy Train Wreck |

Posted on February 6th, 2012 Comments Off on Brothers Ford make a hasty retreat on school nutrition programs after realizing they look like jerks | Gravy Train Wreck |

Filed under: SarahD

Let’s vote him out.

Posted on July 12th, 2011 Comments Off on Let’s vote him out.

Today TORONTO’s Mayor Rob Ford voted against MANY community grants needed and necessary for them to run and to do business in this multi-cultural city.

You know what I think and believe but please read. I wish i had video but really, who needs to see how huge he is, really.–ford-votes-against-every-community-grant-program?bn=1#.ThzVM-aeK_d.facebook

Filed under: B Sides, Contributed, SarahD, Why I'm Right

Oy vey, not ‘the Gays’…

Posted on June 22nd, 2011 Comments Off on Oy vey, not ‘the Gays’…

Now, I am usually not public with my dislike for out new MAYOR (Robert Ford, ick!) but this one I MUST be vocal about. Now, I keep my personal issues with this chubby guy between Ollie and I but Ford’s latest elitist stunt has PISSED ME RIGHT OFF.

Now, he could have said a multitude of things such as “my wife is sick” or “I have a headache” but this one takes the cake.

A lame, elitest excuse such as a weekend to the cottage is no reason to skip out on this city’s MAJOR LGBT event, one that rakes in MILLIONS OF $$$, dollars he is bound to spend elsewhere, such as the refurbishment of his office, y’know, making it BIG ENOUGH to fit his large rear into.

If you ever find out just how the PRIDE dollars get spent, please let me know. I am already choosing my words for my letter the Mister Mayor’s office.


Filed under: Contributed, Dispatches, Pictures, SarahD


Posted on June 20th, 2011 Comments Off on BLOOD BLOOD BLOODY MONDAY JUNE 20TH – ONWARDS!!!
Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment and Canadian Blood Services is
partnering up to host Ontario’s biggest single blood donor clinic. The goal:
to collect 500 units of blood in one day. That means we need donations from
500 people. It’s happening at the ACC on Monday, June 20, from 10am-7pm.

Why? Because we need to raise awareness and educate. Despite the fact that
50% of the Canadian population can donate, only 3.7% do. In Toronto, only
1.8% donate. Toronto needs to import 50,000 units of blood a year to meet
the needs of patients in this region. So we need Torontonians to step up,
rally together and donate. Because let’s face it – the status of one’s
health can be unpredictable and you never know when you or someone you love
will need it.

Call 1-888-2-DONATE to book an appointment at The Big Save.

Here’s the link and our Facebook page:
Filed under: Dispatches, SarahD