Posted on
November 11th, 2012
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I’ve returned from my prolonged sabbatical and ‘familial difficulties’!
So where do I begin? Jerkface downstairs terrorized us to the point where I finished half of my prescription bottle ofAnti-anxiety meds, some with Amaretto… Cops, tears, and LITTLE SLEEPING ; I had to protect my family.
Re:my MS– I’m just OK. I’d be much improved but I am starting anew as of today. Pls wish us luck on all fronts.
Fronts: sleeping,improved nutrition, excersize, moving, annnd Wedding plans! :ad
Everyday I’m amazed that sleeping right beside me is my best friend and I also get so excited that I stress out my body lol.
Lately we’ve been location hunting and talking about event details etc etc… oh, and petty arguments. Public quarrels r my specialty I found out…
My honey and I don’t usually fight so I just started to cry!
We ate lunch and rectified everything! (We pushed forward the wedding date which has helped create a sense of complete calm in Sarah’s head).
I know deep inside that P and I will be together for eternity so a few months won’t be a big deal, right?
I have a lot more to say but tonight I am going to bed…
Goodnight and sweet dreams!
<3 SarahD
Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, SarahD
Posted on
November 10th, 2012
Comments Off on Five sure signs that Rob Ford hasn’t learned a thing about being mayor after two years in office. | NOW Magazine
Filed under: SarahD
Posted on
February 13th, 2012
Comments Off on Tweedledee + tweedledum and the mess that stands beneath them.
Read, its sooo worth it.
#the Fords and their imaginary supporters in #Agincourt mall.
Filed under: SarahD
Posted on
February 13th, 2012
Comments Off on ummm, this is a wicked bad precedent!
RoFo ran on this phoney Respecting the Taxpayer B.S..
NOW CHECK OUT THIS NEW BULL!–new-city-fees-shock-baseball-players
Filed under: SarahD
Posted on
February 9th, 2012
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I went back to school Wednesday!
good class!
Here are some of the ppl I met:

me and Patrick!

Jayne + me! (Sarah!)

Tom + Tony!

Tony + Andrew!

Me + Patrick!
My fave course, my fave man, my fave moments!
Filed under: Patrick Bay, Pictures, SarahD
Posted on
February 9th, 2012
Comments Off on NEWSTALK 1010 – IN-DEPTH RADIO :: Despite Transit Defeat, Half of City Supports Mayor – Local News :: Local News Stories
Filed under: B Sides, Contributed, SarahD
Posted on
February 9th, 2012
Comments Off on Statement From Minister Bob Chiarelli On Public Transit In Toronto
Filed under: Contributed, SarahD, Why I'm Right
Posted on
February 7th, 2012
… a source told me that they saw Rob Ford snorting cocaine…
I was told that my source heard rumours about it and then walked in on Toronto’s Mayor with white powder on one nostril.
My source cannot be named but is very credible. They had zero reason to lie.
They also were too nervous to come to anyone else about about this. (Ex. big newspapers, television news channels).
*Tough cookies, Ford Nation.
** CORRECTION: The “source” mentioned is actually a secondary source who heard this information from the primary source around the dinner table (i.e. a close family member). The information is, as far as I know, still valid (still no reason to lie), but unsubstantiated and unproven.
Filed under: SarahD