Archive for the ‘ Pictures ’ Category

the other… (/sectionb)

Posted on March 23rd, 2022 Comments Off on the other… (/sectionb)

These past two years have been an eye-opener, huh?

In the aftermath do you find that you’re more apt to question if you’re being lied to? Do you find yourself doubting “the truth“™? Have you uncovered new allies? Discovered new adversaries? Can you even trust yourself?

And now with China’s looming presence and Russia’s overt reemergence, doesn’t it all suggest some sort of literal / literary neo-noir, neo-cold-war espionage thing? Moreover, what if there’s something larger at play?

Not wanting to waste the opportunity, I’ve spent a fair chunk of this time doing a bunch of research, jotting down copious notes, and running some experiments. Without going into blatant spoilers I can say that what emerged from the effort was interesting. Like, really interesting. Enough so that I felt a need to spin it into what I hope is an interesting and entertaining yarn.

There’s definitely going to be a lot of fiction but there’s also going to be a whole lot of I-Can’t-Believe-It’s-Not-Fiction too. Sometimes it’s “speculative” but sometimes it’s just established fact. Look it up.

But if you stick around everything will eventually be explained. Probably. Anyhow, here’s the main dossier:

Since this operation is headquartered in Toronto I think it’s only fitting that excerpts, communiqués, and briefings are to be posted here.

Filed under: /sectionb, Dispatches, Patrick Bay, Pictures

How will they spin this one?

Posted on January 9th, 2022 Comments Off on How will they spin this one?

As of yesterday (I believe, but today certainly), the majority of beds occupied by Covid patients in Ontario ICUs were those of fully vaccinated individuals. The numbers are plain as day:

It was not so long ago it was being trumpeted that those selfish, disgusting, unvaccinated heathen were plugging up hospitals and possibly costing people their lives.

Looking at the graphs above, it’s clear that the sheer number of people in hospitals with Covid has ballooned so if they were already having problems in the fall of 2021, imagine the kinds of problems they must be having now. And all because of those damned fully vaccinated people clogging up the healthcare system! Lock ’em all up! Make ’em pay!

I kid, of course. Mostly.

I’m sure someone can still conjure up a “what if…” scenario using ratios and proportional comparisons to calculate how likely an unvaccinated person is to be admitted to the ICU compared to a fully vaccinated individual, and imagine if all the unvaccinated people suddenly needed to go to the hospital! …but these models and projections clearly aren’t in line with the reality: it’s the fully vaccinated who are putting an undue “burden” on the healthcare system, both in the ICU and in hospitalizations in general.

I use quotes around the word “burden” because I’m not certain how large a share of beds Covid patients take up overall, but if we assume a conservative estimate of roughly 21,000 then all Covid patients presently occupy roughly 1.3% of the total bed capacity.

Maybe it’s not a capacity problem but a staffing problem. I don’t know what the broader solution is but maybe the city and province can start by not demanding the firing of perfectly healthy, capable people? Just a suggestion.

With fully vaccinated individuals occupying nearly three times as many hospital beds as unvaccinated patients, and now that most patients in ICU are fully vaccinated, I wonder if the nightly news will do an expose on the “pandemic of the fully vaccinated” while bemoaning how these scoundrels are taking up needed beds and preventing potentially life-saving surgeries.

Yeah, not gonna hold my breath. More likely we’ll be hearing more about those foul, filthy, diseased, degenerate children next.

Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, Pictures, Why I'm Right

end of season

Posted on November 16th, 2021 Comments Off on end of season

East Island, Ontario Place

Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, Pictures

temple bell

Posted on October 14th, 2021 Comments Off on temple bell

Temple Bell, Ontario Place

Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, Pictures

yacht club

Posted on October 13th, 2021 Comments Off on yacht club

Remembrance Drive

Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, Pictures

safe and happy holidays

Posted on January 26th, 2021 Comments Off on safe and happy holidays

I got a feeling of recent-post-apocalyptic desertion here (the picture was taken late last week), greatly enhanced by the wall of kids’ mugshots in the back.

Full-sized image (Creative Commons licensed).

Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, Pictures

Eddy’s Way

Posted on December 26th, 2020 Comments Off on Eddy’s Way

Prince Edward / Bloor / Danforth Viaduct

Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, Pictures

Casa Christmas

Posted on December 25th, 2020 Comments Off on Casa Christmas

All festive’d up @ Casa Loma

Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, Pictures


Posted on December 7th, 2020 Comments Off on blondies

Blondies Pizza on Davenport

Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, Pictures


Posted on December 6th, 2020 Comments Off on off-leash

Dogs and their humans @ Riverdale Park West

Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, Pictures