Archive for the ‘ Pictures ’ Category

TCL Flickr pool

Posted on October 14th, 2010 1 Comment

sunflower, cameron macmaster, froz'n motion, flickr, pool, contributed photography, toronto, city, lifeThe Sunflower by Cameron MacMaster / Froz’n Motion

Filed under: Contributed, Pictures

Go west

Posted on October 13th, 2010 Comments Off on Go west

I got out of my hovel to go for a bit of a walk yesterday. No particular direction…

college street west, autumn, sunset, toronto, city, life … Continue Reading

Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, Pictures

I only went out to buy a lamp…

Posted on October 8th, 2010 2 Comments

…and then this happened:

face-off, maple leafs, nhl, opener, yonge-dundas square, toronto, city, life … Continue Reading

Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, Pictures

Midnight Roler

Posted on October 7th, 2010 Comments Off on Midnight Roler


dundas street west, sunset, toronto, city, life … Continue Reading

Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, Pictures

Anthem Poutinerie

Posted on October 5th, 2010 2 Comments

O Smoke’s Poutine!
Our curds and gravy man!
Honest fries in all thy boxes tan.

With drown’ed spuds we fork thee up,
The True North obviously!

From far and wide,
O Canada, we know you love poutine.

French fried poutine gravy and curdy!
O Canada, we know you love poutine.

O Canada, we know you love poutine.

The official cold-weather anthem. Night nips these days – ‘fo ‘sho. Single digits at night. And moist. That rain again. Well, I believe that poutine can assist with this. I don’t believe anyone has ever attempted to prove poutine was in any way good for you so one should never be burdened with any delusions when consuming it. This also pretty much guarantees it’s delicious.

I got mine with sliced beef at a nearby Smoke’s.  One day I talked to a friend of Smoke Putinerie’s owner, Smoke Junior. The smiling sticker that continues to make the rounds around town are of Smoke Senior, in memoriam. Or so I’m led to believe.

They’re not glamorous locations, I feel I should mention. Often not staffed by glamorous people. But in the coming seasons, Smoke’s is a warm and tasty hearth on vast cold city nights.

Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, Pictures

White Night 2010

Posted on October 4th, 2010 Comments Off on White Night 2010

I know I’ve advocated imbibing a trifle before heading out for the the evening, but I’m gonna start prefacing that with, “except not to the point of getting shit-faced”.

Weaving between teenagers hardly capable of holding their drink let alone appreciating art of any kind, and the puddles of vomit they leave about the place, to me, kinda cheapens the experience. Not unlike using the English translation of Nuit Blanche.

So that’s the one thing about Nuit that this year stood out loud and sore for me.

Beyond that, I was sure the crowds would dissipate post midnight. Last year I headed out at around one o’clock, this year I was there sometime after two in the morning, but with considerably more people. I suppose that’s inevitable; the event now draws in excess of a million people and I’m sure there’ll be more next year. Clearly single-digit temperatures and the threat of rain means nothing to the swarthy outdoors art crowd.

Okay, criticisms dispensed with. Let’s get to the meat and potatoes, shall we?

So, once again I found myself unable to make it to the elusive Zone C. Since I live on the eastern edge of Zone A I necessarily have to traverse it to get to the other side. It’s about an hour of distractions, crowds, and everything and anything designed to ensure that you never make it through.

For starters, there’s always something going on at Nathan Phillips Square. This year the area in front of City Hall hosted a sprawling performance by Daniel Lanois entitled “Later That Night At The Drive-In”.

art, nuit blanche, performances, nathan phillips square, city hall, toronto, city, life

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Filed under: B Sides, Patrick Bay, Pictures

Lookin’ for love

Posted on October 1st, 2010 4 Comments

Spotted this fellow along Spadina yesterday:

marc harris, looking for romance, love, note, pinned to back, parka, toronto, city, life

Ladies, could you see yourself meticulously pinning notes to Marc’s coat, perhaps as an aid for when he gets lost? Do you look at this photo and think romance? And love? Then consider dropping him a line.

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Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, Pictures

Flashing TO

Posted on September 29th, 2010 Comments Off on Flashing TO

I was on in a mission tonight…

dundas street west, subway, ttc, streetcar, toronto, city, life

…hustling down the naked streets…

kensington market, fruit shop, night, evening, toronto, city, life

…ducking and weaving through the market…

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Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, Pictures

Let’s get Chet

Posted on September 28th, 2010 2 Comments


It was just sleepy time all over the city today.

There was a brief, bright flash of sun during which I ventured out to eat lunch — I’ve decided Sushi Queen is my sushi joint of choice along the Queen strip, despite incessantly playing Rogers and Hammerstein show tunes over the meal. Fresh sushi / sashimi, good tempura, and a teriyaki that actually tastes and smells good. Surprisingly rare, that last one.

Then it clouded over again in the afternoon, and everything goes kinda hazy again after that.

I believe Sarah Thomson threw in the towel and is now joining forces with George Smitherman in the upcoming election. And maybe it’s a fuzzy recollection but I thought I remembered the Star starting up a new series called “The Smell Test” where they dissect election promises for feasibility. Will the Star-backed champion win, I wonder?

But it may just be fuzzy dream also. Just that kind of a day, you know?

Ladies and gentlemen, Mister Chet Baker on vocals and horn, and Patrick on the shutter:

Go on, press the round play button above.

gould street, fall, autumn, tables, ryerson university, toronto, city, life … Continue Reading

Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, Pictures, Sounds

Smitherman hires “spiritual” drummers to manipulate weather!

Posted on September 27th, 2010 2 Comments

No wait, I’ve got proof.

Yesterday, all was fine in the dandy neighbourhood of Regent Park. The sun was shining. People were trancing out to the drum group perched conspicuously beneath a Smitherman banner.

regent park, drumming group, george smitherman, elections, mayoral, toronto, city, life

Connection established. We know who’s funding this thing.

But is it really “a thing“?

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Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, Pictures