Archive for the ‘ Pictures ’ Category
Gloomy day muzac
Posted on May 27th, 2011 – Comments Off on Gloomy day muzacHere’s what I like to plug my ears with on my way to work. They’re also a great idea for days like, well, all this week — rain, rain, and rainy. They are all Toronto (at least produced here) but, ironically, hardly contain any music at all.
My interwebs is developed of tubes
Posted on May 21st, 2011 – Comments Off on My interwebs is developed of tubesYep, you could probably drive a truck through Corus Quay. Occasionally the tubes are filled to capacity (it’s why they have a traffic light at the top).
A Brown fog approacheth
Posted on May 19th, 2011 – Comments Off on A Brown fog approachethA (soon-to-be-built) George Brown College fog, that is.
Black Equine Juice – I didn’t name it!
Posted on May 18th, 2011 – 2 CommentsActually, dark horses could drag me away. The $3.30 little French press pots at the Dark Horse on Spadina make you feel all sophisticated but, ultimately, the drink works out to be the size of a large coffee. A good coffee, yes, but a caffeinated thoroughbred? I get the feeling that what you’re actually paying for here is the ambiance, and the communal tables kinda ruin that for me. Feels a bit like a stable. At the end of the day, if someone asks me if I prefer Dark Horse over Second Cup, I’ll have to respectfully reply with a neigh.
Quay to the city
Posted on May 17th, 2011 – 2 CommentsThe prep for the 2015 Pan Am Games continues at Queen’s Quay and Jarvis, with promises of extra camera-fodder to come later this summer (at least from what I can see from my 4th storey perch):
Basically the owner of this site is a revenge getting jerk.
Posted on May 11th, 2011 – 4 CommentsFound this item while browsing through Alexa reviews today:
How cute! I have my first hater! It’s not really official until you have haterz, but still…
Well, let me assure you, Mister suckafree, that my heart bleeds most profusely at the points of those sharp criticisms. That “anyone can make a blog”, comment cut deep, sir. I would like to take a moment, however, to remind you that:
- I have no idea who you are.
- I haven’t a clue as to what you’re talking about.
- It’s customary to hyphenate two or more words being used as an adjective, such as, “revenge-getting jerk”.
The Distillery theorem
Posted on May 10th, 2011 – 3 Comments Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, PicturesBanking can be THIS comfortable
Posted on May 10th, 2011 – 2 CommentsAnd here I am walking all the way home like a sucker. What the hell am I paying all those service fees for?!
We’s not ig’nant
Posted on May 9th, 2011 – 4 CommentsSarah and I did some casual, Sunday afternoon, stroll-y type shopping at the Cherry Street T&T yesterday. It was my intention to give her a taste (yes, pun included), of my years in Taiwan — at least in terms of product selection. We were missing the traditionally oppressive humidity and funky odours known as “authentic street cuisine”, but with its hordes of English-less products, mystery ingredients (on the labels we could read), and unintentionally hilarious packaging, I feel pretty satisfied with the authenticity of the store. And to top off a fully immersive experience, you should always walk out feeling a little more ignorant than when you came in — mission accomplished! Well, maybe ignorant isn’t the exact word, but I’m sure you get the gist.