Archive for the ‘ Pictures ’ Category


Posted on June 11th, 2011 5 Comments

A few weeks back Patrick and I went to the grand opening of the latest location of St. Louis on Yonge Street (528 Yonge St.). We both gushed over the food, enough to take some goofy pics of me making a huge mess of myself, as one does when eating BBQ ribs and yummy wings and whatnot, right? Right?

The management came over to investigate the camera flashes  and giggling (Patrick’s, I swear! lol). When we confessed the truth about Patrick fave hobby, i.e. TorontoCityLife they were very excited for the free advertising (based on actually enjoyment of gooooood bar food, I swear!). They liked us so much that they offered up a pair of FREE DINNERS at their location!! So, we are sharing our excitement with you, the lovely followers of this site!!

st. louis, 528 yonge street, toronto, city, life, blog


We highly encourage you all to check out the new resto at:  528 Yonge St., Toronto, On. St. Louis Wings. Say ‘hi’ to my pals Stacey + Huda for us!!!

Patrick’s rules:

For you and a friend to scarf down some wicked wings + fries, all you have to do is to post the 3rd comment correctly answering this skill testing question:

Who did TCL proclaim as Toronto’s 2 HOTTEST COUNCILLORS??

*HINT* 1: female, 1: male…..

(comments will open at 5 p.m. EST, June 11, 2011)

see you all later!!!



Filed under: Dispatches, Pictures, SarahD

Uh oh

Posted on June 8th, 2011 5 Comments

Not something you wanna see as you’re getting on the bike to go home…

storm, weather, panorama, skyline, toronto, city, life, blog
click for large size

Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, Pictures

Fairweather flâneur, part 1

Posted on June 6th, 2011 Comments Off on Fairweather flâneur, part 1

There are only so many ways to say “walking around aimlessly on a sunny weekend”…

hdr, massey hall, concerts, music, performance, shuter street, toronto, city, life, blog … Continue Reading

Filed under: B Sides, Patrick Bay, Pictures


Posted on June 2nd, 2011 Comments Off on Seriously…guess.

I loves me these sugar ships. I know they sneak into my pics a lot but they’re all a little different in their own ways, so as long as I can keep finding new angles, I’m snappin’!

Some park length-wise, basically blocking the slip. But unlike the port-hitched, big-ass, green scoops below, those asshole out-of-city parker ships (am I right?!) use a conveyor to push their raw sugar into the RedPath holding area.

Walked by the other side of that structure once and it’s basically a giant customs warehouse. This here’s international biznatch!

The other thing I whittle my idle hours down with is watching changes in the ship’s pitch. Notice in the pic above how the boat is leaning back in the water (the nose is toward the road). If I was going to pull a sugar heist (a cool Clooney-esque one, of course), I’d be hitting the back of that mutha.

And there’s also something nice about the change in names. Previously berthed ships had all these northern names like “Polaris”, or “Tundra”, or “Frozen Asscheeks”. Now the warm breezes are blowing off the lake over monickers like “Mandarin”. I’m hoping we can avoid “Inferno” this year but Environment Canada, in their usual wishy-washy ways, kinda, sorta, maybe, fifty-fifty, so-so, and otherwise maybe predict that this’ll be a somewhat hot summer. Possibly. Perhaps.

Hotter than last year?! Shit. Well guess where I’m gonna be taking more photos this summer!

No, seriously…guess.

Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, Pictures

My glass is half slogan

Posted on June 1st, 2011 Comments Off on My glass is half slogan

Or maybe, my cup runneth over at the mouth? I had all these things to say about transparency, distortion, optics, and all that kinda stuff, but I think the photo implies much better than I ever could.

glass, slogan, skyline, toronto, city, life, blog

Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, Pictures

Lunch time!

Posted on June 1st, 2011 Comments Off on Lunch time!

Mmm mmm! Nothing gets me salivating more than the smell of Lake Ontario!

lunch, sandwich, food, corus quay, sugar beach, toronto, city, life, blog

Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, Pictures

The best part was leaving

Posted on June 1st, 2011 2 Comments

Okay, to be fair, I had a hankering for packaged pancakes and fake maple syrup on Sunday, so in that respect I found the New York Cafe Restaurant Bar & Eatery satisfying. Aside from the fact that Sarah has nice memories of the place, however, I can’t dredge up enough reasons for coming back. The prices were reasonable, but I would attribute that more to Aunt Jemima’s influence than to smart cooking. The staff were friendly enough, and the decor cheerful, but if you ask me those things should be secondary to the food. Maybe it’s because the Cafe is trying to be everything at once which, as is aptly demonstrated, usually results in not being good at anything in particular, but for a Danforth staple you’d think they’d have gotten over that problem by now.

New York, you should be ashamed of yourself.

new york cafe restaurant bar & eatery, diner, danforth, broadview, restaurant, bar, food, toronto, city, life, blog

Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, Pictures

How to beat the heat

Posted on June 1st, 2011 2 Comments

Be cool, baby!

(by dipping your jibblies in ice water, for example; frigidity is bound to follow)

lakeshore boulevard, gardiner expressway, panorama, skyline, hdr, patrick bay, toronto, city, life, blog

Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, Pictures

A rib, a wing, it’s all a wonderful thing!

Posted on May 30th, 2011 2 Comments

Sarah and me had a tasty sampler meal courtesy of the brand-spanking-new St.Louis location at 528 Yonge Street. Thing is, I’m not keen on pushing a new joint just ‘cuz they stuffed me ‘n my gal’s gobs but, in all honesty, if they can keep up the quality of the food we scarfed down last week, I’ll happily recommend the place.

The two headliners, wings and ribs, did well with me; the rack was tender and ensconced in a thick, smoky, ribby sauce (thumbs up), and the wings were crispy and properly spicy (thumbs up again). They weren’t breaded or really very saucy, two things that would bother me on wings of lesser quality, but it worked out well with these ones.

I would’ve liked to have washed our din-dins down with a pint of Rickard’s White but they weren’t quite stocked up ahead of the official opening today. They’re also working on the patio to get it down to legal dimensions, I’m told, so in the meantime the best you can do is sit in the big window facing Yonge. I could think of worse things.

yonge street, st. louis, food, wings, ribs, toronto, city, life, blog

Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, Pictures

We’re watching you!

Posted on May 28th, 2011 Comments Off on We’re watching you!

king street east, banks, financial district, toronto, city, life, bloig

click for larger size

Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, Pictures