Archive for the ‘ Pictures ’ Category
Toronto coppers go social
Posted on July 27th, 2011 – Comments Off on Toronto coppers go socialThe Toronto Police Service launched their social media initiative this afternoon with a live presentation from Deputy Chief Peter Sloly.
In a nutshell, they’ve put / will put a few services online that were traditional in-person — background checks and such — but mostly the announcement was about the TPS’ now-official use of social media like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.
Chief Bill Blair was a bit more detailed:
Despite having more people on the force with Twitter accounts that you can follow, the police are still saying that you have to call 911 for emergencies or get a hold of a specific division if you have less serious stuff to talk about, but this will allow you to follow what cops are doing on the streets as well as giving you a more direct channel for general questions. I’ve chatted with a few of them via Twitter over the past year and they definitely are approachable (and they respond!), so that could work out real well in the community relations department.
The only concern I’d toss out there is in seeing these new channels become saturated and eventually becoming stagnant as responding to everything becomes impossible (you can see this with very popular Twitter accounts). Guess only time will show how prepared the TPS is for this possibility.
Ace of Chase
Posted on July 22nd, 2011 – 3 CommentsUntil a few weeks ago, I didn’t even know that the Mitsubishi City Chase even existed. Apparently, though, it’s a pretty popular event.
When it’s hot…
Posted on July 20th, 2011 – 2 Comments…a stroll through Chinatown East (Gerrard and Broadview) is a workout. The breeze up from Riverdale Park East (the big panorama below) is usually refreshing except, of course, when it’s like a blast from a hot oven.
Whew! Too damn hot to type any more.
Pride: après le travail, le fun!
Posted on July 4th, 2011 – Comments Off on Pride: après le travail, le fun!After spending the afternoon sweating it up in our non-A/C’ed apartment, Sarah and I decided to skip the Pride parade. I didn’t shed any tears … I’d gone with tripod and sweaty brow in previous years and just didn’t feel like fighting the inevitable crush up Yonge Street.
Besides, the party on Church Street which, around Wellesley, is basically gay/lesbian-central in Toronto, is really the main event. Oh sure, you can enjoy your fill of assless-chaps along the parade route, but it’s really the after-parade party where the thing really gets going.
Confirmed: Rob Ford WILL attend Pride parade
Posted on June 30th, 2011 – 3 CommentsThat’s right, you read it here first … Rob Ford will be attending Pride after all! Here’s the official statement:
Gotta say I was starting to lose faith in our new(ish) mayor, but it looks like he’s gonna come through after all. And he’ll even be dressed for the occasion!
That’s the spirit! I dunno if I’d have the courage to strut around with assless chaps and a hand betwixt the pillows, but good on Rob, eh?
We owe a debt of gratitude to Paula Corbett of Bad Bunny Puppets for convincing Rob to be a part of the parade. She and our risqué mayor will be hanging out in front of St. Lawrence Market’s north hall for the next couple of days and, of course, you can drop by her site to pay your respects for all her hard work too.
Oy vey, not ‘the Gays’…
Posted on June 22nd, 2011 – Comments Off on Oy vey, not ‘the Gays’…Now, I am usually not public with my dislike for out new MAYOR (Robert Ford, ick!) but this one I MUST be vocal about. Now, I keep my personal issues with this chubby guy between Ollie and I but Ford’s latest elitist stunt has PISSED ME RIGHT OFF.
Now, he could have said a multitude of things such as “my wife is sick” or “I have a headache” but this one takes the cake.
A lame, elitest excuse such as a weekend to the cottage is no reason to skip out on this city’s MAJOR LGBT event, one that rakes in MILLIONS OF $$$, dollars he is bound to spend elsewhere, such as the refurbishment of his office, y’know, making it BIG ENOUGH to fit his large rear into.
If you ever find out just how the PRIDE dollars get spent, please let me know. I am already choosing my words for my letter the Mister Mayor’s office.
Must be a government job
Posted on June 16th, 2011 – Comments Off on Must be a government job Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, Pictures‘This Was The SWEETEST Moment in Toronto’
Posted on June 16th, 2011 – Comments Off on ‘This Was The SWEETEST Moment in Toronto’I absolutely love the photos you all send Patrick’s way. I LOVE capturing sweet little moments and snapping pics of then when they happen.
If you have pics of some sweet moments from your time in Toronto, please share them with me. I promise to collect them and post them in a feature post when I have collected enough of them.
Some people go on the hunt for beautiful moments, some people can spot those moments, some people are within those moments. If you have a photo of said moment submit them because I would like to create a special post and would like to include YOUR photo as well : D
I’m looking for random pics snapped in the moment at any time, of any subject BUT they have to be here in Toronto.
PLEASE humour me and we will make them even SWEETER to kick off the summer season and put everyone in a GREAT mood!!
all the best to you and yours,
= D
This looks awfully familiar…
Posted on June 15th, 2011 – 1 CommentHmm….now where have I seen this bicycle before?
Oh yeah, now I remember: “Spontaneous act of art ordered removed from Dundas Street.” Maybe Mayor Ford isn’t trying to remove street art for the purpose of beautifying the city, perhaps he just wants it for his own living room?
Thanks for Councillor Mark Grimes for snapping that first photo, the Toronto Star for the second one, and to Rob Ford for providing the irony.