Archive for the ‘ Pictures ’ Category
Platinum, baby
Posted on February 8th, 2013 – 3 CommentsHere’s I spent my birthday, courtesy of the new Bud Light Platinum and UNIUN nightclub:
This was a launch event headlined by Diplo who, after numerous downings of the aluminum-clad, delightfully strong (6%), and genuinely and surprisingly tasty beers (not my regular but one I can honestly recommend), had little chance of appearing in any of my photos. But I did cut a rug, mosh it up, bump up against many anonymous sweaty people, and Sarah and I got to catch up with some old social media pals of mine I hadn’t seen in a while, like Zach Bussey…
…and the incredibly elusive @clickflicka:
Our media passes, replete with a cordoned off section that smacked of VIP, put the cherry on top of an already fantastic night. And I was heartened to discover that even in my advanced age, I can still shake my caboose with the youngins.
Cold and waiting
Posted on January 8th, 2013 – Comments Off on Cold and waiting Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, PicturesClosed for the winter
Posted on January 7th, 2013 – Comments Off on Closed for the winter Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, PicturesRestaurant rout
Posted on December 11th, 2012 – 1 CommentDoes Toronto need more condos?
It’s not that I’m against development, especially when new buildings appear on top of parking lots. And although there are always naysayers out there who are against any changes, I doubt that they lament the loss of paved lots that much.
But when it comes to places like the section of King west between John and Spadina, I don’t see why developers and people like the Mirvish family need to rip out an established and thriving chunk of the downtown just so they can put in their own condos.
But that’s exactly what they’re trying to do right now, with the help of councillors like Adam Vaughan who seem to think that if it’s not a giant tower, it doesn’t belong downtown. And it doesn’t seem to matter that no one along the so-called Restaurant Row wants to move, or that the Bell Lightbox tower, freshly built, is right across the street.
I’m not at all against progress or development, and I think Toronto’s often better for it. But this is a matter of cutting off the nose to spite the face, leaving little in terms of culture or uniqueness behind, and replacing it with private, off-limits property intended to only generate money.
The Mirvhishes, who at one time were pretty big patrons of the arts, have managed to do a full 180 since the death of Ed, and are now not only ripping up their own father’s legacy of love for the city, but also trying to push smaller business owners out of their way in what’s proving to be a lust for money and control. Pretty sure Ed would be furious to see what his kids are doing under his name.
And besides, a cold, heartless, exclusivist, and corporatist Toronto is not where I want to live.
Please visit for more information:
REALLY Respect Democracy
Posted on December 3rd, 2012 – Comments Off on REALLY Respect DemocracySomeone (presumably Ford’s election team), recently created a video called “Respect Democracy“. Toronto City Life has responded by including a few inconvenient facts in the same video — and unlike them, we won’t hide behind anonymity:
(Yeah, I realized I’d made a spelling mistake after I uploaded it. Oh well.)
I know that the headlines prior to “Respect?” in the video are hard to make out, so here they are (all easily found using Google):
Snowy lane
Posted on November 30th, 2012 – 1 CommentTechnically not the very first flakes, but definitely the first that decided to hang around for more than a few minutes. Enough, at least, for me to dust off the ole camera.
No coffee tonight
Posted on November 30th, 2012 – Comments Off on No coffee tonight Filed under: B Sides, Patrick Bay, PicturesCalling all Einsteins
Posted on November 28th, 2012 – Comments Off on Calling all EinsteinsI received a chain email yesterday:
The day that Albert Einstein
feared may have finally arrived.
Having coffee with friends.
A day at the beach.
Cheering on your team.
Having dinner out with your friends.
Out on an intimate date.
Having a conversation with your BFF
A visit to the museum
Enjoying the sights
You may have seen this already. Apparently it’s been making the rounds on a number of websites in various versions.
Whether or not you’ve seen it, though, it’s obvious that what this is is a not-so-subtle, inter-generational jab at the youth of today. And, at first blush, it has the appearance of being backed by one of the world’s foremost thinkers.
But once you dig a little deeper you quickly realize that this take on the “idiots” of today’s generation is really more of a reflection on those who perpetuate it.
Take the most obvious point, for example — the Einstein quote. It’s a fake. This is demonstrated on site after site; and really the thing that Einstein feared about technology is how dangerous it has become (in the form of things like the hydrogen bomb, for example). In fact, use of the word “idiot” by Einstein seems highly unlikely. Additionally, the quote in it’s current incarnation doesn’t seem to exist anywhere prior to 2012 (and I remember a reference to something similar dated to around 2000).
In any event, it ain’t Einstein. And you know how people could verify that? Technology, for starters!
But lets assume that the quote is correct, regardless of who said it.
A “generation of idiots”?
The pictures show kids on mobile phones — disconnected from the world around them, maybe, but what about this makes them “idiots”? Well, if a two-way interaction with a screen makes them “idiots”, what does it make the generation that precedes them?
Spending quality time
Yeah, that knife can cut both ways, and the older edge goes just a little deeper. Besides, the progenitors of these “idiots” are the ones responsible for making them that way (either that, or they’re a bunch of irresponsible goofs).
I also couldn’t notice the use of the acronym BFF in one of the images — something that came about as a result of the need for brevity in text-based conversations on small screens. Kind of ironic. Almost as ironic (maybe intentionally — if only it had been communicated with finesse), as one of the replies that to the thread that was broadcast back out to the email herd:
“Sad isn’t it
Sent from my “contract free” BlackBerry® smartphone on the WIND network.”
I rest my case.
Ford re-election: done deal!
Posted on November 27th, 2012 – 2 CommentsThe idea that Ford would easily win a re-election if ousted was making the rounds before the judgement was announced. And, of course, every fool pundit and their dog was claiming that, for sure, he would be re-elected. Hands down. No doubt.
After all, the people of Toronto love Ford and think he’s doing just a great job with everything!
Sites like have dedicated more than one column to propping up a man who, by his own admission, can barely tie his own shoelaces. The National Post typically marches in lock-step with the Ford dictatorship, so they’re not shy about showing their own support. And, of course, the Toronto Sun might as well be called The Rob Ford Daily, though that future is uncertain since he recently turned on them.
Yup, it’s pretty much a done deal … if Ford runs again, he’s a shoe-in and his ouster will just be a huge waste of time! Easy!
So…yeah…there you go; when it comes to Ford, the bullshit just won’t stop. The media lackeys … erm … pundits, may not have learned that lesson, but at least it looks like the voters have.