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June 9th, 2024
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First off, huge confession: I keep stats on this blog.
I like to see how many people are dropping by, what they’re looking at, and where they’re coming from. For quite a while the numbers have been pretty steady … a mix of visitors from around the globe who typically view a few pages per session. Occasionally I’ll get bursts of obvious bot activity but most of the time the site’s traffic looks like regular people just poking around and exploring.
For the last little while, however, I’ve been noticing a certain trend:
You get the idea. So what to make of this?
In my mind there are two main possibilities.
First, China is a big and populous country, the state hasn’t blocked my site (or people are breaking through), and TCL is simply gaining a bit of traction there. If the idea among readers is to gain some exposure to proper English then woe be to them, but I try to take interesting pictures from time to time so maybe that’s the allure. If that’s all there is to this then welcome, 中國人民!*
The second option is a little more sinister: the ostensibly Communist Chinese government has taken an interest in my site, scraping it for any and all content. It’s not as if I haven’t been critical of the Canadian government and its many tendrils, something I imagine the CCP’s domestic propaganda outfits may find appealing.
I suppose that I could also just be cynical and/or jaded. Maybe I’m just misreading the stats. It could also be that I’ve encountered bureaucracy and have scried the truth by gazing into its abysmal maw. Either way, I won’t be singing the praises of the Chinese government, or the Communist ideology any time soon. Socialism, no thanks. I have a few things to say about a few other systems too and if I ever I sing any of their praises, rest assured it’s been coerced.
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April 28th, 2024
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This morning I finished reading “Twenty-five years in the Secret Service” by Major Henri Le Caron (real name Thomas Miller Beach). While the focused history of Irish separatism in North America in the late 1800’s was mildly interesting, the book seemed to be mostly a recitation of names, dates, events, and places. Beach’s infiltration of various Fenian organizations was made to seem effortless, even predestined, and there was little to no discussion of any sort of tradecraft. Large parts of the narrative were outright dull.
But I did come away with the impression that the Canadian government of the time was reactive rather than proactive. For example, the second Fenian raid of Canada is described thus:
“Under the command of General John O’Neill, and a number of other gentlemen of high-sounding ranks, and distinctly Irish patronymics, the raid actually came off on the morning of the 1st of June, when about 3 A.M. some 600 or 800 Irish patriots, full of whisky and thirsting for glory, were quietly towed across the Niagara River to a point on the Canadian side called Waterloo!
“At 4 A.M. the Irish flag was planted on British soil by Colonel Owen Starr, commanding the contingent from Kentucky, one of the first to land. Unfortunately no Canadian troops were in the vicinity, and O’Neill’s command, which had by the next day decreased to some 500, marched upon and captured Fort Erie, containing a small detachment of the Welland battery. Matters, however, were not long allowed to go in favour of the invaders. In a very little time the 22nd Battalion of Volunteers of Toronto—a splendid band of citizen-soldiers—appeared upon the scene, and at Ridgeway, a few miles inland, there occurred a fair stand-up fight, in which the Fenians in the end got the worst of the day’s work. Ridgeway has frequently since been claimed by the Fenian orators as a glorious victory, but without justification. It is true that at first, flushed with their almost bloodless victory at Fort Erie, the Fenians advanced fiercely upon their opponents, and for the moment repulsed them; but in the end the Canadians triumphed, and succeeded in putting the invaders to flight, driving them back to Fort Erie a frenzied, ungovernable mob, only too thankful to be taken as prisoners by the United States war steamer Michigan, and protected from total annihilation at the hands of the, by this time, thoroughly aroused and wrathful Canadian citizens.”
The first Irish separatist raid had, according to Beach, been openly advertised and supplied by the U.S. government:
“This, which was the first invasion of Canada by the Fenian organisation, took place upon the morning of the 1st of June 1866. As I have already stated, the design had been flourished in the face of government and people for six months previously. All this time active preparations were proceeding, and thousands of stands of arms, together with millions of rounds of ammunition, had been purchased from the United States Government and located at different points along the Canadian border; while during the spring of the year, military companies, armed and uniformed as Irish Fenian soldiers, were drilled week by week in many of the large cities of the United States.”
It seems obvious, based on this historical record, that the Canadian government was either ill-prepared, overly incredulous, or too incompetent to deal with something that it had previously (and recently) encountered. Or maybe it was dealt with that way on purpose.
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October 26th, 2022
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To nutshell the above video, yet another court challenge regarding Covid mandates that stripped millions of Canadians of their fundamental rights has been dismissed by a Canadian court as “moot”.
Slaves, after all, have no rights that aren’t benevolently granted and that cannot be arbitrarily taken away.
Another interesting tidbit to emerge from this interview is how the government overtly and directly lied about following the advice of their own health advisors while simultaneously crushing any and all questions about the necessity for mandates, masks, and vaccines. Shocking.
The sad part of this video is hearing lawyer Keith Wilson maintain hope that the government-owned-and-operated courts are not entirely corrupt — I guess he hasn’t read anything about how the government simply snubs its nose at, lies to, and defrauds its own courts like the Canada Revenue Agency has been doing for years (I recall complaining about exactly the same thing a while ago). So even if you do somehow get a favourable ruling in an overwhelmingly corrupt and ridiculously unfair system, the state will simply ignore it and tell you to go fuck yourself while threatening you to pay taxes (a euphemism for debt slavery), and remind you to put a little check in a little box every four years because it’s such a great, glorious, and sacred privilege (and just another “Right” that they can summarily strip you of).
Hearing the interviewer close with the supposition that Canada might by a dictatorship would be almost funny if I hadn’t been screaming the exact shame thing for years. In fact, pompous government fucks were openly bloviating about our “benign dictatorship” many years ago while simultaneous musing about what they would do when they became the dictator (which then happened).
Then this asshole took over:
I’ve given this a lot more thought since my earlier analyses but people still seem hell bent on replacing the problem with more of the same (i.e. government), so instead of wearing out my keyboard for another decade I’ll invite anyone who’s interested in discussing the topic seriously to contact me or to leave a comment.
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April 28th, 2022
Comments Off on You’re now over 17 times more likely to die from seasonal flu than with Covid-19 as TERRORISTS continue to push Covid lies
terrorism (noun):
The use of violence or the threat of violence, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political goals.
Resort to terrorizing methods as a means of coercion, or the state of fear and submission produced by the prevalence of such methods
The act of terrorizing, or state of being terrorized; a mode of government by terror or intimidation.
See previous posts for past examples of media terrorism. Here’s a more current example of how they continue to push their agenda:
People who are unvaccinated against COVID-19 not only place themselves at greater risk of getting infected by the virus, but also increase the infection risk of those around them who have rolled up their sleeves for a jab, according to new Canadian modelling research.
This is, of course, based on the same type of modelling that has guided government’s decisions to “protect” the population from the ravages of Covid-19. Note that with the exception of starting values, not a single real-world statistic appears in these models.
It’s not that modelling is necessarily a bad thing. After all, how do you predict something except to build models? If these models are pretty accurate we can call them approximations. If they’re not that accurate then we can call them guesses. And if they contradict actual real-world data? We could call them mistakes (if there’s a later retraction), mental illness (it’s possible!), or if they’re being constantly pushed to advance a very public and blatant political agenda using fear and intimidation despite a plethora of evidence to the contrary, terroristic lies.
Note that these are rates, not raw numbers (which must undoubtedly be much higher). Also note that these statistic continue to co-mingle people without any Covid vaccination and those who are partially vaccinated up to and including two shots (a goal post that’s been moved at least once since the beginning of this year alone).
At this point the medical community should be researching why a full Covid vaccine regimen seems to make you about twice as likely to be infected than other groups. Maybe they are doing this research, and maybe this is just some strange phenomenon happening in Ontario, but good luck finding any such doubts in any mainstream publication. Instead, birdcage liners like the Toronto Star continue to push the “get vaccinated to protect yourself and others” lie while pushing “models” and other ridiculous fictions in the face of a completely contradictory reality.
How likely are you to die from Covid? How about when compared to the seasonal flu?
While on the topic of reality, and since no one seems to be talking about it except to compare how much more likely one vaccine group might get sick over another, I thought I’d do a little number crunching to see what your chances are of landing in the hospital, the ICU, or even dying from Covid-19 if you’re unvaccinated.
First let’s look at deaths.
Most of the work has been done here already, we just have to divide by 1000 to get a rate per 100 (a.k.a. per cent).
Not fully vaccinated: 0.07 / 1000 = 0.00007%
Fully vaccinated: 0.02 / 1000 = 0.00002%
Vaccinated with booster: 0.06 / 1000 = 0.00006%
For comparison, your estimated chances of dying from the seasonal flu are:
In other words, if you’re unvaccinated (which doesn’t necessarily mean you haven’t received any shots), you’re about 17 times more likely to die from the common flu than you are with Covid-19.
Note the use of the word “with” as opposed to the directly causative “from”, which further helps to erode the lies we’re being fed on a daily basis.
Moreover, these values are based on the most conservative estimates with results floored (rounded down), but you can plug higher estimates in there to see that it doesn’t make a huge different.
Now let’s look at serious hospitalizations.
In this case I’m only using one data point so this value will almost certainly vary but, again, not a whole lot. We also need to extrapolate a little here since the Ontario website no longer tracks the number of unvaccinated individuals (a metric which appears inexplicably to differ from other metrics on the same page).
28 cases / (14,700,000 Ontario population – 12,000,000 fully vaccinated) = 28 / 2,700,000 = 0.00001037 x 100 = 0.001%
In other words, your chances of landing in the ICU with (not necessarily due to) Covid-19 are one-one-thousandth of a percent. You’re still slightly more likely to die directly from the seasonal flu (0.0012%) than ending up in the ICU with Covid (0.001%).
Finally, let’s have a look at how likely you are to end up in the hospital with Covid-19.
Using a slight variation of the previous calculation:
232 cases / (14,700,000 Ontario population – 12,000,000 fully vaccinated) = 232 / 2,700,000 = 0.000085926 x 100 = 0.0085%
Unfortunately I wasn’t able to find Ontario-specific data but recent influenza hospitalizations reported by the United States’ CDC show a rate of 0.0098%, suggesting quite strongly that the seasonal flu is at this point more likely to land you in a hospital than Covid.
If ever there was a real threat to democracy and to Canadians’ freedoms, the most glaring example by far is the reprehensible terrorist Justin Trudeau and his complicit federal government.
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February 11th, 2022
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Last July I wrote a post about Doug Ford’s assumption of dictatorial powers in the province of Ontario, “because Covid”. I noted that the powers granted under the “Reopening Ontario Act”, which Dougie clearly and obviously demonstrated he wasn’t willing to abuse, were set to expire at the end of 2021. I recall that my reaction at the time was something along the lines of, “yeah … sure.”
A few short months later it was revealed that – SHOCK! AMAZEMENT! – the non-emergency-emergency powers that the government magically granted itself will be extended until March 28 of this year, “because Covid.”
Should we be worried about a literal dictatorship that has repeatedly put people out of work, shut down the economy, driven families and large chunks of society apart, filled people with dread while making their lives miserable, maybe even had a hand in killing a few of them?
Of course not! The real and proven threat to “democracy” is … truckers!
I spoke with Prime Minister @JustinTrudeau this evening about the ongoing occupations in Ottawa and Windsor. We will continue working together to support our police forces as they manage these situations. We both agreed this must come to an end.
Just for fun, if you’re ever in the city see how many traffic cops you can spot who are parked illegally, often so poorly that they actually endanger public safety, all while handing out tickets for exactly the same “offense”. No doubt these brave souls will be out in full force keeping everyone “safe” and “free” from those awful violent truckers, not like those “mostly peaceful” BLM protests that the cops literally knelt before.
Warning: if you make the above activity into a drinking game, you might be dead by nightfall.
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January 28th, 2022
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Not only is it illogical for truckers to hold fringe, unacceptable views and protest yet another encroachment on their rights and freedoms when so many have already been taken away – duh! – but there’s probably going to be violence and gridlock – because precedent – so just stay away from Ottawa!
Totally and, like, purely coincidentally … Prime Minister Trudeau is isolating and therefore unable to meet the obviously violent mob charging at him after he tested negative for Covid, twice, because health and safety first! Thankfully the state has a monopoly on violence, which it totallynever abuses, in order to deal with such abhorrent and senseless situations.
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January 9th, 2022
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As of yesterday (I believe, but today certainly), the majority of beds occupied by Covid patients in Ontario ICUs were those of fully vaccinated individuals. The numbers are plain as day:
It was not so long ago it was being trumpeted that those selfish, disgusting, unvaccinated heathen were plugging up hospitals and possibly costing people their lives.
Looking at the graphs above, it’s clear that the sheer number of people in hospitals with Covid has ballooned so if they were already having problems in the fall of 2021, imagine the kinds of problems they must be having now. And all because of those damned fully vaccinated people clogging up the healthcare system! Lock ’em all up! Make ’em pay!
I kid, of course. Mostly.
I’m sure someone can still conjure up a “what if…” scenario using ratios and proportional comparisons to calculate how likely an unvaccinated person is to be admitted to the ICU compared to a fully vaccinated individual, and imagine if all the unvaccinated people suddenly needed to go to the hospital! …but these models and projections clearly aren’t in line with the reality: it’s the fully vaccinated who are putting an undue “burden” on the healthcare system, both in the ICU and in hospitalizations in general.
I use quotes around the word “burden” because I’m not certain how large a share of beds Covid patients take up overall, but if we assume a conservative estimate of roughly 21,000 then all Covid patients presently occupy roughly 1.3% of the total bed capacity.
Maybe it’s not a capacity problem but a staffing problem. I don’t know what the broader solution is but maybe the city and province can start by not demanding the firing of perfectly healthy, capable people? Just a suggestion.
With fully vaccinated individuals occupying nearly three times as many hospital beds as unvaccinated patients, and now that most patients in ICU are fully vaccinated, I wonder if the nightly news will do an expose on the “pandemic of the fully vaccinated” while bemoaning how these scoundrels are taking up needed beds and preventing potentially life-saving surgeries.
Posted on
January 1st, 2022
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Gee, who could’ve predicted that it would be the fully vaccinated who would become the most infected with (and no doubt prodigious spreaders of) Covid? And who ever would’ve thought that the vaccines would be so useless that people would need boosters every three months?
Oh, wait, you haven’t heard? You mean that the nightly news didn’t produce a special report contradicting the crap that they’ve been spewing all this time? All those “medical experts” haven’t been interviewed to explain how they got things so drastically wrong? Most of this information isn’t even being mentioned?! Well colour me shocked.
Nevertheless, the data as of January 1, 2022, speaks for itself:
According to the data, unvaccinated people still have a slight lead when it comes to ICU admissions but the overall numbers in this category are pretty small. And if you look at the sheer volume of fully vaccinated people testing positive for the virus (I’ve previously discussed why proportional percentages such as rates can be grossly misleading, even though even the leading rate shown above is pulling away from other groups), there’s simply no denying the numbers.
It’s little wonder that the same bullshit media that have outwardly promoted hate, racism, and violence in the name of political ideology would remain silent on this. And the state, well it’s decided that in the midst of a “surge” it will scale down the collection of data (among other reductions), since clearly the numbers aren’t playing into the “correct” narrative.