Archive for the ‘ Contributed ’ Category
The instigators.
Posted on February 8th, 2012 – Comments Off on The instigators.Oakley and the compassionate tat
Posted on August 26th, 2011 – 1 CommentSo there’s this guy I’ve been chatting with on Twitter over the last couple of days named Troy Oakley (@OakleyInc) who convinced me that maybe, just maybe, not all conservatives are heartless jerks.
Okay, so it might seem like I’m name dropping here — Troy did after all manage to land country-wide headlines today over this little bit of body art:
…but that’s not the case. You see, our discussion started around the awful direction that the conservatives seem to be heading in in this country. Everyone from Rob Ford to Steven Harper come across as callous axe-wielding maniacs bent on destroying every vestige of humanity in this great country.
Then, almost as if by magic, Troy stepped out of the Twitterverse and agreed with me, all the while claiming he was also a conservative. He even admired the recently departed Jack Layton of the NDP party (the mainstream Commies of the Canadian political spectrum) — someone almost anathema to the Progressive Conservatives.
I was, like, come again?
Yup, seems like you can still believe in not wasting money, being responsible, and all that other stuff without being a bloodthirsty bureaucrat. In fact, the final words Layton wrote as he was on his deathbed resonated with Troy so much that he had them tattooed on his arm. And I gotta say, despite being generally averse to marking up my own flesh, this is something I could never fault anyone for etching on their skin. Beats the hell out of meaningless Chinese symbols or fancy geometric patterns.
And holy fuck if it doesn’t give me hope for the future.
If you happen to be around tonight, tune in to Newstalk 1010 at around 9:45 to hear an interview with Troy, or just pick up a paper tomorrow and read about how the world may not quite be ready to go to hell in a hand basket just yet.
Let’s vote him out.
Posted on July 12th, 2011 – Comments Off on Let’s vote him out.Today TORONTO’s Mayor Rob Ford voted against MANY community grants needed and necessary for them to run and to do business in this multi-cultural city.
You know what I think and believe but please read. I wish i had video but really, who needs to see how huge he is, really.–ford-votes-against-every-community-grant-program?bn=1#.ThzVM-aeK_d.facebook
Oy vey, not ‘the Gays’…
Posted on June 22nd, 2011 – Comments Off on Oy vey, not ‘the Gays’…Now, I am usually not public with my dislike for out new MAYOR (Robert Ford, ick!) but this one I MUST be vocal about. Now, I keep my personal issues with this chubby guy between Ollie and I but Ford’s latest elitist stunt has PISSED ME RIGHT OFF.
Now, he could have said a multitude of things such as “my wife is sick” or “I have a headache” but this one takes the cake.
A lame, elitest excuse such as a weekend to the cottage is no reason to skip out on this city’s MAJOR LGBT event, one that rakes in MILLIONS OF $$$, dollars he is bound to spend elsewhere, such as the refurbishment of his office, y’know, making it BIG ENOUGH to fit his large rear into.
If you ever find out just how the PRIDE dollars get spent, please let me know. I am already choosing my words for my letter the Mister Mayor’s office.
This just in….:
Posted on June 17th, 2011 – Comments Off on This just in….:umm… more allergies? possibly…
Posted on June 10th, 2011 – Comments Off on umm… more allergies? possibly…I have had this one burrito many, many times since i met my BF. It is usually Sooo Gooood and warm and juicy too. ” Yum yumm yummmm…”
You’d think it would always be that way, right?
Alas, it was not.: (
I have this burrito here, the rest of, i.e. MOST of it, because I THINK I AM ALLERGIC TO IT… : ( I don’t know why I am having a reaction to it this one time. Poor Ollie is DYING sink his teeth into it because it smells good and tastes better… I hate having to say NO to him but I must.
To this experience I say BOOO… :(
Just plain ol’ Boooo… :(
MDG’S + if they still matter.
Posted on June 6th, 2011 – Comments Off on MDG’S + if they still matter.Are you familiar with the 8 #Millennium #Development #Goals (#MDG)??
A few years ago I worked on a video for my UofT group (EWB – UofT/ regarding our government’s commitment to international aid + MDGs. If I can get my hands on that video, I’ll post it because the responses to our questions were so thrilling and yet the reality if that we as a country, province and a city made me sad.
Questions were asked regarding: Do we need to keep promises made from the past? is 0.07% of our GDP too much or impossible to donate to the international money pot? If other smaller countries are able to keep the commitment, why do you think we have not EVER kept ours?
Despite our promise made to the UN back in 1969 we STILL HAVE NOT KEPT OUR WORD, EVER. Now, you can say I am biased but Pearson thought it was worth thinking about and i think we should do the same.
If you’d like to make a difference I suggest you check out this site: and
TOGETHER we can make change happen, and Toronto being the most populated city in Canada who donate 40+% of the Canada’s GDP, I think we can definitely MAKE CHANGE HAPPEN. Together we can…
The reason for this post is PM Harper keeps making speech after speech about the economy et al. and NOT addressing our commitment to the world as a whole. Be a global citizen and take an interest one way or another.
thanks for reading and please discuss, comment, and surprise me if u like ;)
Your gal, SarahD
Today I was shot in the back…
Posted on June 3rd, 2011 – Comments Off on Today I was shot in the back…I was shot in the back yet again!! I say shot instead of stabbed because I am being literal here. At this point in time, on a daily basis, I get stabbed/shot all over my body and boy does it hurt!!
I recommend getting shot whenever you have to because it just might be GOOD for you!!
Wondering why? Well, I, like far too many others, have RRMS (relapsing-remtting multiple sclerosis), and as of now, the only approved medications (pharma) are all solely taken by means of injections. = (
‘Owwww!!’ is usually what I say followed by silence for a minute or two, but all of the Liquid Oragel in the world can’t take away all of the pain, just most of it.
That said, I stil highly recommend freezing/numbing the location, I mean, why use it every damn day otherwise…( “Oooh, I think I lost sensation…”)
N.B.: I don’t suggest using it elsewhere…(Our nosy cat can confirm this by the screams after his nose touched the wet swab, again.)
The final steps after swabbing the liquid onto your location of choice (preferably a fatty one) is to decontaminate it with alcohol or something of that nature and to prepare a regular bandage as well. An ICE PACK is also something that comes in handy to literally freeze out the pain and swelling.
Anyhoo, I just had to share with SOMEONE my tale of daily physical, kinda painful for a short time, getting NEEDLES STUCK INTO MY BODY and tell you I lived to tell the tale, after a few tears and a kiss. : ) Nerves of wobbly steel, baby… ;)
My awesome guy injects me each time mostly because I can’t bear to screw it up yet again!!I have done it many times and all of them with limited success, mainly because I am a bit of a chicken. (Does self-admitted take away the sting of saying the words out loud?)
So…that is how we spend most of our mornings. Soooo seedy, hey?? BUT when someone loves you enough to force you to take your meds and/or give them to you, THAT is someone who loves you.
If you have to do something similar I recommend being put in a great mood by your partner or nurse/doctor to relax your body because it makes it hurt much less. OR You can have a drink, but just 1 — it’s safer that way.
Shock and awe, I am a girl who loves a boy who loves to shoot me full of drugs., for all of the right reasons.
There are many more out there as well as wicked nutrition websites but I don’t wanna lead anyone down the wrong path for them.
message me if you’d like to! : )
Stay healthy!!
<3 SarahD <3
To Cheryl,
Posted on February 15th, 2011 – 2 CommentsPlease toss your disused cups of flavoured filth in the trash. Just because your pay through the nose for your “coffee” and your Macintosh says you’re special that doesn’t make it so. At least not in the traditional sense. Oh, and maybe consider making a Facebook profile somewhere other than in your mind before advertising it; just a suggestion.