Call me, Barrister Mgobi. I miss you.
Posted on April 20th, 2009 –
Here’s the problem with the CRTC’s Do-Not-Call list: $55 for an area code, $1,125 for the whole show. That’s how much it costs to get a one-month subscription to a list of all the people registered for the program.
Now, can you believe there’s such a thing as a dishonest telemarketer? Maybe not in Canada, heavens no. But maybe elsewhere. I don’t suppose the Nigerian barrister entrusted with distributing the late Mr.Whatever’s millions is too worried about complying with Canadian law. I bet he clicks on all those “I Accept” checkboxes without a care in the world. I bet his tea tastes just fine in the morning.
And why not? All you need is a credit card. The sign-up system for telemarketers doesn’t even verify the email address you enter. By the time someone in the government server room realizes that the information is in the hands of someone who shouldn’t have it, the barrister will be safe and sound on his chair in front of his computer; about two minutes later; same place he was when he started.
Even if we assume that every telemarketer in Canada is honest [insert knowing head-nod here], there are plenty of places for our phone numbers to make unsavoury friends. Basically, I say avoid that no-call list like it’s a pussing, Gonorrhea-infected sore.
I accidentally discovered the solution to telemarketers when I decided to actually do a phone questionnaire one night. I was in a good mood.
The first question was, “Do you or someone you know work for a marketing, media, or telemarketing firm?” I said that yes, I did, because at the time I was working for CTV.
The phone call was over; I didn’t qualify and thanks for my time.
The next time I got a call, I curtly cut into the introduction with, ”I work for your telemarketing firm”, and laughed.
The woman on the other end of the line sounded like she had just farted on her dear mother’s grave. She was so, so, so sorry and…how could this have happened? No, this is not right! So sorry, sir. Your name will be taken of the list right away. This has never happened before; so unusual. So sorry.
It’s something to try.
If you don’t want to go the full distance and lie about working at their company, pick one at random in or near the field [of evil!] and make yourself an honorary employee. Don’t get the government to lie for you, they suck at it.

April 21st, 2009 9:49 am
That's great!!! I'll have to try that possibly tonight during one of their daily phone calls which generally I routinely ignore.