Protected preview

 Posted on June 15th, 2024

If you happened to be on TCL during a very specific and brief window of time in the past day or so you may have read the entirety of a post entitled “Philip and the agency”.

It’s an entry about some of the more obscure research, done right here in Toronto (much of it before my time), that went into /sectionb. Tied into this is a sneak peak about what’s coming up in the story. I also talk a bit about character baselines, motivations, etc.

I feel that /sectionb does just fine on its own but I think that posts like the “Philip” one bring more richness and depth to the narrative, so I decided to password-protect it. But I’m going to give you the password … it’s “/s3ct10nb” (without quotes).

Initially I considered asking for your email but then I thought, nah, too invasive. Disposable addresses require quick turnaround, which I can’t guarantee. I thought about a few other options but all of them required more effort than I’d be willing to make just to read a post, so I nixed them too.

Password protection seemed like the most frictionless way to gauge your interest. Just access the post with the password (see above) and hopefully the signal will get through ;)

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