Archive for June, 2023

You scribble a few words about secret agents and “a guy” shows up

Posted on June 2nd, 2023 Comments Off on You scribble a few words about secret agents and “a guy” shows up

Sometimes when I tell people about these things, even if they’re being polite, I can see that they don’t really believe my “stories”.

The thing I was talking about earlier, for example … if I described the guy I spotted pacing back and forth in front of the “base of operations”, especially in the context of my writing, my audience would probably nod politely and wander off to find someone less “imaginative” to chat with. They might even be insulted, maybe not be so polite.

So I feel that trying to impress on people how much of the material in stuff like /sectionb is drawn from real life would be futile. I’d just get the same checked-out stare for my troubles.

But I get it. The world around me so often resembles a movie or a comic book that even I sometimes have trouble believing it.

The guy I surreptitiously surveilled in these pictures, for example … assassin? Cleaner? Who can tell? And who’s alive to be able to tell? Did I just do a bad by posting these photos? Am I now a marked man? Will more men like him come?

So many questions.

Naturally, after these were taken and after the guy finished rummaging around the trunk of his sleek and muscular jet-black Audi (naturally), left behind two discarded gloves on the road, and drove off.


The plot congeals …

Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, Pictures

Chopin’ Twenty

Posted on June 1st, 2023 Comments Off on Chopin’ Twenty

I know, my AFK time has been excessive as of late but as usual it doesn’t mean that I’ve been idle. I had some new adventures, got busy with some undercover work (more on that later), and stuck my fingers into far too many pies.

Take the thing above, for example. Figured I’d try something different but new directions always come with a price. Don’t even get me started about inflation!

Anyway, this tune is supposed to be Chopin’s Nocturne No.20 in C Sharp Minor … or at least what’s left of it.

Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, Sounds