Ontario Place gone just in time for summer, pt.2
Posted on June 16th, 2023 –
If you don’t understand the nostalgia that Ontario Place generates in geriatrics like me I invite you to take a wistful gander at the video below. But before you start kvetching about how, by today’s standards, the place sucks, I’d remind that this was the olden days and us kids were just happy as fuck not to have to walk 15 barefoot kilometers in the snow to school.
This video might leave you with the impression that Ontario Place could be the upswing but the reality is that its fate was sealed and loaded onto the S.S. Therme which sailed some time ago.

One the one hand, a spa-and-water-based attraction on the grounds is not that out of place. On the other, the promo material makes it look a little exclusive and pricey. The current admission price of FREE makes it hard to compete.
I suppose there’s always Trillium Park but with half of the unique and scenic path through Ontario Place now off limits, it just gives the small trail a melancholy feel.
Just in time for summer.