Archive for April, 2022
You’re now over 17 times more likely to die from seasonal flu than with Covid-19 as TERRORISTS continue to push Covid lies
Posted on April 28th, 2022 – Comments Off on You’re now over 17 times more likely to die from seasonal flu than with Covid-19 as TERRORISTS continue to push Covid liesterrorism (noun):
- The use of violence or the threat of violence, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political goals.
- Resort to terrorizing methods as a means of coercion, or the state of fear and submission produced by the prevalence of such methods
- The act of terrorizing, or state of being terrorized; a mode of government by terror or intimidation.
Wait…terrorism? Is that accurate?
See previous posts for past examples of media terrorism. Here’s a more current example of how they continue to push their agenda:
People who are unvaccinated against COVID-19 not only place themselves at greater risk of getting infected by the virus, but also increase the infection risk of those around them who have rolled up their sleeves for a jab, according to new Canadian modelling research.
This is, of course, based on the same type of modelling that has guided government’s decisions to “protect” the population from the ravages of Covid-19. Note that with the exception of starting values, not a single real-world statistic appears in these models.
It’s not that modelling is necessarily a bad thing. After all, how do you predict something except to build models? If these models are pretty accurate we can call them approximations. If they’re not that accurate then we can call them guesses. And if they contradict actual real-world data? We could call them mistakes (if there’s a later retraction), mental illness (it’s possible!), or if they’re being constantly pushed to advance a very public and blatant political agenda using fear and intimidation despite a plethora of evidence to the contrary, terroristic lies.
Once again, we need only look at the actual numbers to expose the fear-and-lie-based agenda being pushed forward by the Trudeau government and its woke allies like the Toronto Star.

Note that these are rates, not raw numbers (which must undoubtedly be much higher). Also note that these statistic continue to co-mingle people without any Covid vaccination and those who are partially vaccinated up to and including two shots (a goal post that’s been moved at least once since the beginning of this year alone).
At this point the medical community should be researching why a full Covid vaccine regimen seems to make you about twice as likely to be infected than other groups. Maybe they are doing this research, and maybe this is just some strange phenomenon happening in Ontario, but good luck finding any such doubts in any mainstream publication. Instead, birdcage liners like the Toronto Star continue to push the “get vaccinated to protect yourself and others” lie while pushing “models” and other ridiculous fictions in the face of a completely contradictory reality.
How likely are you to die from Covid? How about when compared to the seasonal flu?
While on the topic of reality, and since no one seems to be talking about it except to compare how much more likely one vaccine group might get sick over another, I thought I’d do a little number crunching to see what your chances are of landing in the hospital, the ICU, or even dying from Covid-19 if you’re unvaccinated.
First let’s look at deaths.

Most of the work has been done here already, we just have to divide by 1000 to get a rate per 100 (a.k.a. per cent).
Not fully vaccinated: 0.07 / 1000 = 0.00007%
Fully vaccinated: 0.02 / 1000 = 0.00002%
Vaccinated with booster: 0.06 / 1000 = 0.00006%
For comparison, your estimated chances of dying from the seasonal flu are:
100,000 global deaths / 7,800,000,000 global population = 0.000012821 x 100 = 0.0012%
In other words, if you’re unvaccinated (which doesn’t necessarily mean you haven’t received any shots), you’re about 17 times more likely to die from the common flu than you are with Covid-19.
Note the use of the word “with” as opposed to the directly causative “from”, which further helps to erode the lies we’re being fed on a daily basis.
Moreover, these values are based on the most conservative estimates with results floored (rounded down), but you can plug higher estimates in there to see that it doesn’t make a huge different.
Now let’s look at serious hospitalizations.

In this case I’m only using one data point so this value will almost certainly vary but, again, not a whole lot. We also need to extrapolate a little here since the Ontario website no longer tracks the number of unvaccinated individuals (a metric which appears inexplicably to differ from other metrics on the same page).
28 cases / (14,700,000 Ontario population – 12,000,000 fully vaccinated) = 28 / 2,700,000 = 0.00001037 x 100 = 0.001%
In other words, your chances of landing in the ICU with (not necessarily due to) Covid-19 are one-one-thousandth of a percent. You’re still slightly more likely to die directly from the seasonal flu (0.0012%) than ending up in the ICU with Covid (0.001%).
Finally, let’s have a look at how likely you are to end up in the hospital with Covid-19.

Using a slight variation of the previous calculation:
232 cases / (14,700,000 Ontario population – 12,000,000 fully vaccinated) = 232 / 2,700,000 = 0.000085926 x 100 = 0.0085%
Unfortunately I wasn’t able to find Ontario-specific data but recent influenza hospitalizations reported by the United States’ CDC show a rate of 0.0098%, suggesting quite strongly that the seasonal flu is at this point more likely to land you in a hospital than Covid.
Between the brazen hypocrisy of defaming truckers while gushing support for Ukrainian Nazis, between Trudeau’s blathering about freedom while fawning over Chinese totalitarianism, between all of the bluster about transparency while simultaneously refusing to answer even the most basic questions about why Canadians’ Charter rights were dismissed with the mere wave of a hand, not to mention the overt and ongoing lawlessness, the rotten criminality and tyranny of a federal government that refuses to even think about lifting its Covid mandates is on full display.
If ever there was a real threat to democracy and to Canadians’ freedoms, the most glaring example by far is the reprehensible terrorist Justin Trudeau and his complicit federal government.
lake shore ride
Posted on April 15th, 2022 – Comments Off on lake shore ride Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, Pictures/sectionb: chapter 1, part 6
Posted on April 6th, 2022 – Comments Off on /sectionb: chapter 1, part 6…
“So,” she answers slowly, a sly smile spreading across her face. “I think the best way to answer that might be to demonstrate. Show you a bit of the old modus operandi.”
The Handler stands up abruptly.
“Pick anyone. Anyone at all,” she instructs Medic, pointing to the crowd around them. Medic takes a few moments and finally selects a tall man sidled up to the bar. A cocky confidence oozes out of every part of him, from the top of his perfectly styled coif to the bottom of his leather Italian loafers.
Swaying mildly, The Handler laughs out loud before responding. “Those kindsa guys are the easiest! Okay, great. So how much money should he give us?”
/sectionb: chapter 1, part 5
Posted on April 5th, 2022 – Comments Off on /sectionb: chapter 1, part 5…
“So you work for some government?” asks Medic, partially amused and partially irritated, feeling like he’s being pranked. Or worse.
“No. No governments. No corporations. No large groups of any kind, really. Unless it suits our purposes,” she explains flatly. “There’s just the agency and our little cell. I don’t know if there are others because, as I said, the organization keeps a pretty tight lid on things.”
“Wait. So what is it that you actually do?” he asks with an incredulous frown.
She pauses briefly as a stern expression creeps across he face.
“I should’ve told you off the top,” she says firmly, “that there are many things I simply won’t be able to tell you. Some are classified, some I just don’t know. Of the things I can tell you, some you’ll find out later and some you never will.”
/sectionb: chapter 1, part 4
Posted on April 4th, 2022 – Comments Off on /sectionb: chapter 1, part 4…
A quiet ding interrupts the amplified audio, telling her that a text message has just arrived from Dmitri. “No go. Too exposed,” it says. That means that she has about twenty minutes to idle here before moving on to the next destination.
She closes her eyes again and listens intently.
About ten minutes later, a few quiet but discernible words echo into her ears. She grins with satisfaction, not because she understands any of it but because she got a recording.
/sectionb: chapter 1, part 3
Posted on April 3rd, 2022 – Comments Off on /sectionb: chapter 1, part 3…
His first search is for “The Handler” which pulls up over forty pages of results. None of them seem right. He revises the search by adding a few digits from one of the random-looking lines on the business card. There’s exactly one result.
The sequence of letters and numbers on the website seem to match those on the business card. Beneath them, only the words “GET ME HOT” appear on the otherwise empty page. He waves the mouse cursor over the page looking for hidden links but finds none.
Medic is now deeply intrigued.
/sectionb: chapter 1, part 2
Posted on April 2nd, 2022 – Comments Off on /sectionb: chapter 1, part 2…
Just then, three shapes emerge onto the path from the shadows.
The two large men instantly attract his attention. One looks like a mountain, maybe a boxer with a shiny bald head, cauliflower ears, wildly crooked nose, hands that look like anvils, and shoulders to lift them. The other one is a little shorter, has a paunch, brush cut, and a Burt Reynolds mustache suggestive of someone who spends too much time watching 70s action movies. Both men are dressed in long black overcoats exposing casually unbuttoned dress shirts. The look is professional.
Following close behind them is a petite woman wearing sunglasses. She’s dressed similarly to the men but her clothes are tailored to suit her compact frame. It’s hard for Medic not to notice the gentle sway of her body as she walks, the warm and smooth glow of her tan complexion, the way the straight line of glossy black hair frames her face.