Archive for February, 2022
Ford continues to be literally a DICTATOR, but the truckers!
Posted on February 11th, 2022 – Comments Off on Ford continues to be literally a DICTATOR, but the truckers!Last July I wrote a post about Doug Ford’s assumption of dictatorial powers in the province of Ontario, “because Covid”. I noted that the powers granted under the “Reopening Ontario Act”, which Dougie clearly and obviously demonstrated he wasn’t willing to abuse, were set to expire at the end of 2021. I recall that my reaction at the time was something along the lines of, “yeah … sure.”
A few short months later it was revealed that – SHOCK! AMAZEMENT! – the non-emergency-emergency powers that the government magically granted itself will be extended until March 28 of this year, “because Covid.”
Should we be worried about a literal dictatorship that has repeatedly put people out of work, shut down the economy, driven families and large chunks of society apart, filled people with dread while making their lives miserable, maybe even had a hand in killing a few of them?
Of course not! The real and proven threat to “democracy” is … truckers!
Are you scared yet? You should be!
Toronto cops shut down roads in order to prevent shutting down roads
Posted on February 10th, 2022 – Comments Off on Toronto cops shut down roads in order to prevent shutting down roadsYou can’t make this shit up.
Just for fun, if you’re ever in the city see how many traffic cops you can spot who are parked illegally, often so poorly that they actually endanger public safety, all while handing out tickets for exactly the same “offense”. No doubt these brave souls will be out in full force keeping everyone “safe” and “free” from those awful violent truckers, not like those “mostly peaceful” BLM protests that the cops literally knelt before.

Warning: if you make the above activity into a drinking game, you might be dead by nightfall.