/sectionb: GOING GRAY
Posted on December 24th, 2022 – Comments Off on /sectionb: GOING GRAY… in which a new acquaintance offers to help put Section B’s broken plans back together again.

… in which a new acquaintance offers to help put Section B’s broken plans back together again.
Hunkering down somewhere along Queens Quay.
A month and a half between posts might seem excessive but hear me out! I could’ve just posted another static map image but I’m trying to push the envelope a little bit so I thought, “Why not a video?”
Unfortunately, adding a time component introduces a whole bunch of new complications. First I had to alter my code to produce output based on a temporal sequence rather than a single point in time. After that I had to figure out how to produce composite images so that I could add things like the time/date stamp. Then I had to figure out how to actually encode the video. Following that, the clunky user interface needed to be updated in order to accommodate the new features. Then I realized that the data didn’t include any duration information so I had to figure out how to extrapolate it. And then I had to run the extrapolation routine over the whole database which took weeks, no doubt owing to my weak SQL.
Anyways, I find the first product to be kinda soothing and hypnotic and leaves me thinking about what else I could do with it. So without further adieu here’s 24 hours of all C4S calls over Halloween, each call (red dot) growing larger in diameter the longer it remains active:
Yeah, still making music.
Actually, these combined renditions have been percolating for a while and I’ve only recently put on the finishing touches. They feature the vocal stylings of Roland Clark (?) from a track named “Show Me Your Love” (?) followed by The Supremes on “You Can’t Hurry Love”. Despite my take on The Supremes’ tune I think that you’ll find that the lyrics are (eventually) recognizable whereas I’ve had a heck of a time finding any information on Clark and his song, hence the parenthesized question marks. If you can shed any light on this vocal sample please let me know!
… in which secrets are revealed and best-laid are scuttled.
To nutshell the above video, yet another court challenge regarding Covid mandates that stripped millions of Canadians of their fundamental rights has been dismissed by a Canadian court as “moot”.
Slaves, after all, have no rights that aren’t benevolently granted and that cannot be arbitrarily taken away.
Another interesting tidbit to emerge from this interview is how the government overtly and directly lied about following the advice of their own health advisors while simultaneously crushing any and all questions about the necessity for mandates, masks, and vaccines. Shocking.
The sad part of this video is hearing lawyer Keith Wilson maintain hope that the government-owned-and-operated courts are not entirely corrupt — I guess he hasn’t read anything about how the government simply snubs its nose at, lies to, and defrauds its own courts like the Canada Revenue Agency has been doing for years (I recall complaining about exactly the same thing a while ago). So even if you do somehow get a favourable ruling in an overwhelmingly corrupt and ridiculously unfair system, the state will simply ignore it and tell you to go fuck yourself while threatening you to pay taxes (a euphemism for debt slavery), and remind you to put a little check in a little box every four years because it’s such a great, glorious, and sacred privilege (and just another “Right” that they can summarily strip you of).
Hearing the interviewer close with the supposition that Canada might by a dictatorship would be almost funny if I hadn’t been screaming the exact shame thing for years. In fact, pompous government fucks were openly bloviating about our “benign dictatorship” many years ago while simultaneous musing about what they would do when they became the dictator (which then happened).
Then this asshole took over:
I’ve given this a lot more thought since my earlier analyses but people still seem hell bent on replacing the problem with more of the same (i.e. government), so instead of wearing out my keyboard for another decade I’ll invite anyone who’s interested in discussing the topic seriously to contact me or to leave a comment.
… in which Brock wanders the night streets of Bangkok, exorcising his doubts about Section B with the help of an impressive demonstration by Mirabelle.
Needing to replenish our stock of incense, Sarah and me recently dropped by Shanti Baba.
Aside from being a perennially cool store packed full of intriguing paraphernalia, rare objects, and numinous curios (a sort of spiritual head shop), the longtime owner is pretty knowledgeable about the Queen West area and offers interesting tidbits whenever we visit.
This time around he wrote the name “KENK” on a pink Post-It and handed it to us with instructions to look it up. When I did I realized why the name sounded familiar: up until about a decade ago Igor Kenk had been a fixture in the neighbourhood and was widely recognized as “the world’s most prolific bicycle thief”.
I don’t know how many of the nearly 3000 bikes strewn across his properties Kenk was personally responsible for stealing but I suspect that his reputation is well-earned. He’s so notorious that TVO even decided to produce an interactive graphic novel about him. The guy has lived an interesting life.
Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, Igor Kenk no longer lives in Toronto but he definitely left his mark.