Archive for September, 2021

From 1984 to Fahrenheit 451

Posted on September 9th, 2021 Comments Off on From 1984 to Fahrenheit 451

Here’s yesterday’s two to three minutes of hate, from the Toronto Star’s very own Bob Hepburn:

We are long past the time of being nice and being empathetic toward anti-vaxxers and trying to win them over with carrots — as opposed to the sticks that are much-needed vaccine passports and stiff restrictions.

It’s time that they — not the vast majority of us who are vaccinated — paid the price.

Ooh, not without a jimmy hat, Bobbie.

Note that stiff restrictions and vaccine passports aren’t needed for “public health”, they’re needed to punish the disobedient and anyone who dares to question the benevolent wisdom of the state or the motives of their beholden media.

Basically, Bobbie’s demanding that otherwise perfectly healthy people be discriminated against because they don’t trust the motives behind things like stiff restrictions and vaccine passports. Good thing Bobbie clarified what those motives are.

So what exactly is up Hepburn’s ass here anyway?

I’m fed up with the anti-vaxxers, who seem unbothered by the threat they pose to my health, feeling targeted because they may lose their job, won’t be able to fly on a plane, eat at an indoor restaurant or attend a hockey game or music concert.

You see, poor Bobbie’s health is being threatened (me me me!) because, of course, his vaccination will in no way protect him from the diseased anti-vaxxers, so anyone who questions his obviously brilliant logic and the motives behind all of this insanity should be made to suffer.

Maybe Bob Hepburn is worried that there won’t be enough capacity at the local hospital for when he might need it. Obviously this would be the fault of those selfish fucking anti-vaxxers and not the government, as some delusional idiot named Bob Hepburn suggests.

I’m fed up with the Trumpist-like mobs in Canada hurling pebbles and insults at Justin Trudeau, picketing hospitals, screaming at diners on restaurant patios and demonstrating outside politicians’ homes.

I don’t remember the Star denouncing violence at Black Lives Matters protests, or screaming at diners, or harassing politicians at home. I don’t recall the Star questioning coordinated, violent threats, intimidation, and attacks by BLM against US federal property and personnel carried out over a period of months, in some cases literally wresting control from local governments and law enforcement – no way you can call any of that an attempted insurrection. Damn Trump!

Oh, but I forgot that this sort of comparison must never be made because I have the wrong colour of skin and besides we’ve all already been told what to believe and now just need shut up, kneel, and obey.

I think my favourite boneheaded statement in this piece of drivel has got to be:

Finally, I’m fed up with politicians who are basically protecting these irresponsible people who are making life miserable for all of us.

Bob says it’s actually anti-vaxxers and protesters that are making life miserable. After all, it’s not government and politicians who force lockdowns and restrictions on people, who cut hospital funding, etc. We should put the blame on the people pushing back against the restrictions and not the people enacting them because clearly up is now down, north is south, and we have always been at war with Eastasia.

These “irresponsible people” have no reason to doubt the shady, rushed deals between an admittedly murderous, callous, and oppressive government and their cadre of hugely profitable, deceptive, and dangerous pharma bros. Resistance and questions are illogical, unlike Hepburn’s unquestioning obedience, and these deplorable irresponsibles need to be crushed under the boot of the state. Maybe that’ll learn ’em to doubt politicians and bureaucrats!

And why shouldn’t we trust the perfect creatures of the state with all their omnipotence and omniscience? They “flattened the curve” in May 2020, then again in April, then again in October, then again in November, and again in January of this year. Yep, they know what they’re doing and they have everything under control. Science FTW!

Maybe I’m being too harsh; we’re always learning something new about Covid so what may have been correct back then won’t be correct now. Things that might’ve been effective yesterday may no longer be effective today. Those inconvenient Covid symptoms of last month may no longer be symptoms this month.

There’s just so much we don’t know.

Unless it’s about Covid vaccines, of course, in which case we know all there is to know, with absolute and unfaltering certainty, case closed, discussion ended, “science” has spoken, and now let’s put that shit into everyone as quick as we can and demonize anyone who questions it in any way.

And on that note you can get back to your regularly scheduled book burning.

Filed under: B Sides, Patrick Bay, Why I'm Right