So it’s actually the vaccinated who are a public health threat?

 Posted on August 11th, 2021

The headline read: “Unvaccinated people 8 times more likely to get infected, top doctor says

Well this I have to see for myself, I thought.

It took me a while of reading through the parts in which government is moving the reporting goalposts before I got to get some sense of where this information came from. I’m assuming it’s from a recently published Public Health Ontario report:

In the past 30 days, unvaccinated individuals were approximately 8.0 times more likely to become a case of COVID-19 compared to fully vaccinated individuals (Figure 2).

My next question was, how do they classify “unvaccinated individuals”?

From the same document, near the end:

Unvaccinated individual refers to individuals that have not received a dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, as well as individuals that are not yet protected from vaccination (0 to 13 days following dose 1 administration).

So you’re “unvaccinated” if you’ve either received no vaccine or you’ve received your first one within the past two weeks. An unspecified number of these people will automatically be moving into the “partially vaccinated” category so maybe let’s not get too excited just yet.

Also note that if you combine the number of partially (16,800 [44.9%]) and fully vaccinated or “breakthrough” (1,988 [5.3%]) cases, you get a slightly higher percentage (50.2%) than unvaccinated cases (49.8%), keeping in mind that “unvaccinated” is interchangeable with “got the vaccine recently” and “didn’t get the vaccine at all”.

The headline could just as accurately have read, “Vaccinated people make up more than half of serious Covid infections”, but the newspapers are all in high gear with incessant DEMANDS FOR COVID PASSPORTS, DAMMIT!!

Putting the logical breaks on all of this obvious straight-outta-Berlin authoritarian bullshit is the simple, recent revelation that the vaccinated are just as likely to transmit COVID as the unvaccinated. Note:

The study identified 469 people with COVID-19, 74% of whom were fully vaccinated, following large public events in the state’s Barnstable County. Testing identified the Delta variant in 90% of virus specimens from 133 people.

The viral load was similar in people who were fully vaccinated and those who were unvaccinated, the CDC said.

High viral loads suggest an increased risk of transmission and raised concern that, unlike with other variants, vaccinated people infected with Delta can transmit the virus, it said.

The finding of the report “is concerning and was a pivotal discovery leading to CDC’s updated mask recommendation,” CDC director Rochelle Walensky said in a statement.

The phenomenon, known as a “leaky vaccine”, is when the fully vaccinated immune system fails to kill the pathogen, allowing it to be re-transmitted. This is why the Center for Disease Control revised their advice on masks, yet again.

So what we end up with is a bunch of vaccinated people who, despite their ostensibly benevolent aims, really end up protecting not society, not the public, not grandma and grandpa, not little baby Kevin, not sick aunt Josie … no one but themselves.

But now, with their elevated social status among “the fully vaccinated”, they may feel more free to socialize and be indoors with all the others like them, all very possibly entirely asymptomatic spreaders. If the high viral load of the Delta variant is a concern, isn’t the “unlikely” scenario of viral mutations, or replication errors, more likely when the numbers are increased?

Seems to me that it’s actually the vaccinated that pose the biggest threat to society, if the science and their incessant preachiness are to be believed. It’s unfortunate that they have so many irresponsible, highly-placed enablers willing to endanger the public and whose best solutions to the mutation-vaccine war is like something out of the Simpsons. In one episode an invasive species of lizard has escaped into Springfield. Initially wanting to eradicate the lizards, Principal Skinner learns that they’re killing all of the pigeons, or “common gutter birds”, which causes him to re-evaluate his position.

Skinner: “Well I was wrong. The Bolivian Tree Lizards are a godsend!”

Lisa: “But isn’t that a bit short-sighted? What happens when we’re overrun with lizards?”

Skinner: “No problem. We simply unleash wave after wave of Chinese Needle Snakes. They’ll wipe out the lizards.”

Lisa: “But aren’t the snakes even worse?”

Skinner: “Yes but we’re prepared for that. We’ve lined up a fabulous type of gorilla that thrives on snake meat.”

Lisa: “But then we’re stuck with gorillas!”

Skinner: “No, that’s the beautiful part. When winter time rolls around the gorillas simply freeze to death.” (walks away satisfied)

“Bart the Mother”, The Simpsons, Season 10, Episode 3

We’re now well beyond stage 3 in the provincial re-opening plans with no end in sight, “leaders” around the worlds are openly acting like tyrants and dictators segregating societies into the obedient and those who must be made to obey, and apparently after a year and a half of getting fucked over businesses everywhere are gagging for the opportunity to limit their numbers of customers in order to go along with this.

It’s mind boggling to think that there are still people who believe and even promote the dangerous claptrap of government & friends at this point. The mountain of horseshit is now so high that one would have to be dangerously delusional, a literal danger to themselves and society at large, not to see it toppling over. On the bright side, there’s probably a Pfizer or J&J drug for that!

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