Why in the world would you trust this?

 Posted on July 27th, 2021

Here are some basic facts:

  1. COVID vaccine safety and efficacy is not tested by the government. The data is based solely on the vaccine producers’ own testing and given to the government’s “panel of experts” who simply review it. This is quite literally the honour system (see below) and vaccine approval in this case doesn’t mean rigorous testing.
  2. The approval process for COVID vaccines has been fast-tracked, skipping various safety protocols (or maybe they exist just for the heck of it?). The “science” is not established and the government regularly updates its information as it’s uncovered.
  3. COVID vaccine producer Pfizer was fined $2.9 billion for fraud, described as “blatant and continued disregard of the law … over an extended period of time”, one of numerous fines that the company has paid over the years for engaging in lies and deception. Their history of criminal recklessness in the name of profit (e.g. testing unapproved antibiotics on Nigerian children resulting in numerous deaths), goes back decades.
  4. COVID vaccine producer Johnson & Johnson most recently settled a $26 billion lawsuit for downplaying risks of opioids (fraud), and helping to fuel the current North American opioid crisis. J&J has hundreds of thousands of pending litigation and has paid out billions in damages in additional lawsuits, many of them for fraud and misrepresentation.
  5. COVID vaccine producer AstraZeneca settled tens of thousands of lawsuits for withholding drug safety information and misleading marketing.
  6. COVID vaccine producer Moderna is known for its secrecy and lack of peer review, and for operating primarily for profit.
  7. The Canadian government is supposed to require informed consent before drug and vaccine testing can take place in humans. Since, as the government affirms they were never completed, extended clinical trials of COVID vaccines are currently being performed on the mass Canadian public without any such consent.
  8. Since they are relatively new, there is understandably no data on the long-term negative effects of any of the current COVID vaccines, thus making claims of “safety” dubious at best. Considering that new and unforeseen side-effects are being discovered on a regular basis it’s not unreasonable to assume that additional long-term effects will be observed. Additionally, efficacy data is subject to different interpretations, especially in the context of incomplete or incompatible data. As such, neither the safety nor efficacy of existing COVID vaccines is established, and based on current trends both parameters appear to be shifting negatively or are at least being called into question.
  9. Vaccine makers have been shielded from any legal liability by the federal government over the COVID vaccines. The government has stringent filters on who is eligible for compensation and ultimately it will be taxpayers who will pay for any mistakes or malfeasance on the part of manufacturers. The government says that this is “normal”. In May of this year, despite numerous adverse vaccine reactions to COVID vaccines and 6 months after the initial announcement, the government had yet to consider any claims, stating only that they would be handled by a “third party”. That third party ended up being Ottawa-based RCGT Consulting, an accounting and tax firm.

Putting all of this together: the Canadian government, itself laying claim to a long history of ostensible “genocide” and other reprehensible behaviour, has granted legal immunity to companies that have engaged in mass fraud and deception resulting in death and injury, instead holding the public liable for any fraud or malfeasance, while trusting those same companies to provide the medical community and the public with information on safety and efficacy, information that is being shown to be increasingly “inaccurate” (to put it nicely).

Claims that this is being done for public health conflict strikingly with the government’s refusal to ban cigarettes which kill an estimated 48,000 people each year, often after long bouts in the hospital on respirators and other medical equipment, similar to COVID patients, of whom approximately 26,500 have died since the start of the pandemic a year and a half ago. The excuse of “protecting others” is shown to be a farce when compared to exposure from secondhand smoke, alone affecting roughly the same number of people as died from COVID. And the idea that big tobacco is so deeply entrenched in the system that it can’t be removed is both silly considering that the government pretty much shut down the whole economy, and yet more evidence that COVID measures have little to do with science or “protecting the public”. If rapacious big tobacco has such a hold on government, why wouldn’t big pharma with their history of greed, lies and death? As a result, why should government itself be trusted?

If it’s my choice to engage in a behaviour like smoking and expose those around me to that risk, one that results in a much higher and prolonged mortality than COVID, then the whole argument against my choice not to be vaccinated falls apart.

Even so, it’s not that I’m necessarily against vaccines but it seems quite obvious that putting trust in such a system and what it’s peddling is delusional bordering on dangerously insane. That vaccines are now increasingly being mandated and forced onto people worldwide puts a whole new and very sinister spin on things.

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