Uncle Tetsu’s Cheesy Cakes

 Posted on October 14th, 2015

Uncle Tetsu's, Bay and Dundas

Today I got a chance to try the headliner at the perennially busy (except this morning), Uncle Tetsu’s Japanese Cheesecake.

Uncle Tetsu's Cheesecake

The cakes are a not unpleasant crossbreed between an angel food cake or maybe a soufflé, and a mildly flavoured cheesecake. With the exception of the company name, there wasn’t a lick of English anywhere on the packaging so I couldn’t tell what actually went into it. Allergies? That’s your problem.

The $10 cake should be enough for at least two people, and the $2.50 cupcake-like madeleines are a good alternative if you’re not willing to make the investment. I found both treats tasty and I’d probably get seconds if the hankerin’ hit, but despite the gushing adoration some people are heaping on it, you won’t catch me waiting in a line up for what comes across as essentially a sponge cake with a cream-cheesy taste.

One Comment on “ Uncle Tetsu’s Cheesy Cakes ”

  • SarahD
    October 15th, 2015 9:10 pm

    So you’ve gone to the place where English isn’t on their takeaway products? lol.

    I must admit that I too was excited to see what it’s all about. I had zero faith in the product but that’s solely because I can be a snob who loooves some very fresh sweets from some speciality places. I also enjoy new takes on the tried and true.

    Now, with that said I have kind of bitchy take on the delights from Dear Uncle.

    the ‘cheesecake’ was lighter