“Freedom” … LOL
Posted on October 3rd, 2015 –
- 4.1 Aboriginal law
- 4.2 Administrative law
- 4.3 Human rights in Canada
- 4.4 Contract law
- 4.5 Constitutional law
- 4.6 Copyright law
- 4.7 Criminal law
- 4.8 Evidence law
- 4.9 Family law
- 4.10 Immigration and refugee law
- 4.11 Inheritance law
- 4.12 Insolvency law of Canada
- 4.13 Labour and employment law
…“…there are too many Statutes to even begin to count.”
“Presumed knowledge of the law is the principle in jurisprudence that one is bound by a law even if one does not know of it. It has also been defined as the “prohibition of ignorance of the law”.”
…This principle is also stated into law:
- Canada: Criminal Code (RSC 1985, c. C-46), section 19″