“Yes, I’ve smoked crack cocaine”

 Posted on November 5th, 2013

Having just heard Doug Ford lashing out at the Chief of Police this morning (then discussing journalism law and ethics with a group of Ryerson students), demanding that the Chief be investigated for being in conflict of interest in making a statement about how he personally felt after seeing the crack video, I was about to let loose with a bunch of F-bombs and litany of lies-and-hypocrisy-exposing links. Seriously…conflict of interest?!

But then…

First came the news that a growing chorus on Council is finally getting in gear and making motions to effectively nullify the mayor’s and his deputy’s powers:

Ford motion

Second was the expected-but-still-shocking admission by Robbie: yes, he did smoke crack. Probably while heavily drunk, though surprisingly Robbie recalls both that it happened about a year ago and what the media were asking him in May of this year. The reason he didn’t answer media questions about his crack use honestly, says Ford, is not because he was lying but because they didn’t ask him the right questions. Apparently they just kept referring to alcohol.

Well, here we are. So should the cops now do as Robbie demanded a couple of days ago and arrest him? Will the Fords go down with some shred of decency, or will they go down as unabashed villains?

One Comment on “ “Yes, I’ve smoked crack cocaine” ”

  • Daniel J. Christie
    November 6th, 2013 7:38 pm

    Doug Ford just called me. I don’t even know Doug Ford and I don’t even live in Toronto. Anyway, he said he thinks ‘they’ have his house surrounded and that his food is being ‘altered’. Then he said something about ‘maggots’ crawling all over his skin and claimed John Tory was a ‘Vatican banker’ and head of the Masons. He thinks his family has been replaced by robots. He said he hadn’t slept in weeks because he knew there were ‘lefties’ and ‘commies’ under his bed and that his autographed 8X10 of Sen. Joseph McCarthy had been photoshopped by a ‘homosexual cabal that’s taken over everything from hairdressing to the Shopping Channel”.He called me, I guess, because he thought I knew something about ‘precious bodily fluids’ and ‘forced flouridation’. Anyway, I told him to call Toronto City Life. Keep your phones on. And please…. be patient with him….