Another promise made
Posted on September 13th, 2013 –
Rob Ford is basking in the knowledge that he has personally wrestled Toronto’s unemployment rate down to the ground where he beat it senseless and left it soaking in a pool of its own blood.
Unemployment, it seems, is down – that’s true.
But people are having trouble making the connection between this news and Ford’s efforts:
Pressed by reporters to explain how, exactly, he had managed to slay the beast of unemployment, Mr. Ford said he has been cutting red tape, making the city safer and cleaner, fighting gridlock and campaigning to build subways. The last, obviously, is a work in progress; the others, pretty hard to quantify. “We’ve made it a business-friendly atmosphere,” the mayor said, “and you have to have business experience to do that, and obviously I do.”
Others too are having trouble with is on a conceptual level:
Councillor John Parker, who represents Don Valley West, said, “I frankly think that the case [the mayor] is making is a bit of a stretch. As the Canadian economy grows, Toronto’s economy grows with it.”
Mr. Ford said in his speech that, “we have adopted a very aggressive plan to fight gridlock.”
Mr. Parker, who sits on the works committee and the Toronto Transit Commission, said he is unaware of such a plan.
I’m not insinuating that good news is unwelcome, just that taking the credit for something you didn’t really do is pretty weak sauce.
And even if I were of the opinion that I’m just, like, #1 top business guy in Canada and when I snap my fingers jobs fly out of my ass, I still think I’d have the tact to say something to the effect that I’d contributed to the unemployment rate.
Oh, Fordo.