The Occasional Food Review

 Posted on May 9th, 2013

Whenever we can afford to, Sarah and me like to try out a new place to see how well it sits with our delicate culinary sensibilities.

And, truth be told, we are actually pretty snobby about food. Now that I’m thinking about it, we’re fairly uptight about our drink too.

And for good reason, I figure — now matter where you go, you’re paying for what you get, so why not get the best deal for your money?

When it comes to food, cheapest is hardly the best, but neither is the most expensive. It’s those in-between gems that manage to put together a tasty, filling meal at a great price that we focus on — sensible satiety.

Every once in a while we manage to get a few words in with the owner, or the head chef, or whoever has just delivered a meal worth writing about. Most of the time, though, we sit back unmolested and are thus able to bring you genuine reviews.

Hence the new link at the top of the site ↑↑↑

Just not all the time, cuz that gets expensive.

2 Comments on “ The Occasional Food Review ”

  • Daniel J. Christie
    May 12th, 2013 4:45 pm

    I’d love to vicariously live through your discoveries of the many little ethnic joints all over Toronto that Big Media doesn’t know exist. How you find such little gems -good, bad or otherwise- would probably have to come about through word of mouth -or through this blog or Sarah’s blog as the idea catches on. Much as I despise the phrase ‘ahead of the curve’ it is where I’d like to see you go -especially with cheap, exotic, family-cooked, Masonite-decorated, strip mall finds. Send me the leftovers.

  • Daniel J. Christie
    May 13th, 2013 9:02 am

    Sarah’s Quest: To find and identify, by way of informed public opinion from readers, Toronto’s finest Hot-and-Sour Soup. This ongoing mission, malleable and as changing as the soup itself, shall track the modern evolution of this therapeutic rhapsody in a land awash in blandness and conformity. Texture? Is it the texture that matters? The proper balance of peppers? The medicinal qualities of head-clearing spices? What is it about Hot-and-Sour Soup? And where is The Best to be found? A great public service awaits, Sarah. It falls to you to do your duty both as a citizen and as an affeciando.