Ford to ladies: I’ll teach you about politics

 Posted on April 21st, 2013

On Newstalk 1010’s RoDoFo (Rob/Doug/Ford), radio show on Sunday afternoon, Rob said he’d like to see more women in politics, and if any of yous dames out there are interested, to call him at home or meet him over coffee and he’ll tell you all about how City Hall works.

Yes, the man who repeatedly admitted he doesn’t know how to do his job is going to tell you all about how to do his job.

Don’t worry, those allegations of him beating his wife a few years back were never proven, I’m pretty sure he’s over grabbing women’s asses by now, and the fact that women are leaving his own hand-picked executive committee left right and centre shouldn’t be read into too deeply.

Just imagine the kind of intellectual treasure trove you’ll be able to tap into!

5 Comments on “ Ford to ladies: I’ll teach you about politics ”

  • Daniel J. Christie
    April 22nd, 2013 2:54 pm

    I would never have called Rob Ford a “fat fuck” the way John Barber called Rob Ford a “fat fuck” because being a “fat Fuck” must be something that fat fucks the world over are sensitive about and naturally react to when a normally proportioned person calls them a “fat fuck”. Mr. Barber, on the other hand, looks like a skinny fuck to me -anything but a “fat fuck” so how would John Barber even know to properly identify Rob Ford as a “fat fuck” unless he professes to be a “fat fuck” expert of some kind, eh? Answer me that.

  • Patrick
    April 22nd, 2013 8:50 pm

    Maybe his news organization made him a “fat fuck” specialist like they do with other reporters?

  • Daniel J. Christie
    April 24th, 2013 11:00 am

    Fat fucking chance….

  • SarahD
    April 25th, 2013 4:08 pm

    Hey all!

    RoFo is merely a spoiled rotten chubby child, even at 43.

    Now I have my own almost violent comments.
    Now, I had dreams of rocking my political swagger and it most certainly never included getting molested by Robbie!! Not only is he a complete FAILURE, AN ABUSER, A JUNKIE ALCOHOLIC but a giant fucking FRAUD WHO HASN’T EARNED A GOD DAMNED THING IN HIS FAILURE OF AN EXISTENCE

    I know that *somebody* will defend him — probably his master Doug– but don’t forget that he loves to watch his niece prance around in her panties. Not only that but if he can’t control you you become his FREAKIN ENEMY and he will RAILROAD YOUR ASS.

    Don’t call if you want to SUCCEED IN LIFE

    <3 SarahD

  • SarahD
    April 25th, 2013 10:24 pm

    Re: defending RoFo

    I forgot to mention that thing called Sue Anm Levy – or the classic Bitch/twat Skunt who makes a whole slew of untruths for people to knaw on.

    If she didn’t suck on his wallet he’d throw her under thebus like every other woman.