Me and my sunny seed

 Posted on November 1st, 2010

Now that all the zombies have left Trinity-Bellwoods, the first wet snow has fallen briefly in warning, the squirrels in the park have grown fat, and sweaters are on almost permanent rotation, it can only mean that Halloween — gateway to the season of the setting sun — has befallen us.

trinity-bellwoods park, pit, stage, toronto, city, life

I’ve been keeping a costume idea in my back pocket for many years now (that’s how long I’ve managed to avoid dressing up), but this year decided I’d bust it out and walk with my sis and nephews through their GTA neighbourhood.

I can’t take credit for the idea, but I did soup it up a bit. Shopping for the materials was, as per tradition (really any holiday), last-minute. And I got squinty-eyed looks from the checkout lady at the hardware store as she rang my items through.

ski mask, make-up, costume, toronto, city, life

The end result wasn’t intended to be that menacing.

sunflower, halloween, costume, toronto, city, life

You can couple this with just about anything — you’re a cool flower after all. The balaclava has the added benefit of keeping you toasty on an evening when the temperature brushes the zero mark. And with the shades, no one can tell you’re high!

Eyiiii. :)

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