Anthem Poutinerie

 Posted on October 5th, 2010

O Smoke’s Poutine!
Our curds and gravy man!
Honest fries in all thy boxes tan.

With drown’ed spuds we fork thee up,
The True North obviously!

From far and wide,
O Canada, we know you love poutine.

French fried poutine gravy and curdy!
O Canada, we know you love poutine.

O Canada, we know you love poutine.

The official cold-weather anthem. Night nips these days – ‘fo ‘sho. Single digits at night. And moist. That rain again. Well, I believe that poutine can assist with this. I don’t believe anyone has ever attempted to prove poutine was in any way good for you so one should never be burdened with any delusions when consuming it. This also pretty much guarantees it’s delicious.

I got mine with sliced beef at a nearby Smoke’s.  One day I talked to a friend of Smoke Putinerie’s owner, Smoke Junior. The smiling sticker that continues to make the rounds around town are of Smoke Senior, in memoriam. Or so I’m led to believe.

They’re not glamorous locations, I feel I should mention. Often not staffed by glamorous people. But in the coming seasons, Smoke’s is a warm and tasty hearth on vast cold city nights.

2 Comments on “ Anthem Poutinerie ”

  • Fatima
    July 3rd, 2015 5:09 pm

    hey I love this anthem!
    Just wondering if its okay if i make a little poster/meme out of it? Wont post it online or anything maybe instagram but i wont take credit.

  • Fatima
    July 3rd, 2015 5:09 pm

    hey I love this anthem!
    Just wondering if its okay if i make a little poster/meme out of it? Wont post it online or anything maybe instagram but i wont take credit.

    please LMK,

    Thanks :)