Sometimes the city says, “here buddy, take five…”
Posted on September 21st, 2010 –
There I was outside the Second Cup today, praying for the city to show me the light. Something so I wouldn’t have to work hard. Right at that moment, I swear the city fucking winked right at me.
Funny, ‘cuz I don’t recognize many voices when I hear them, but Sass Jordan‘s is hard to miss.
Sure as the Tuesday afternoon sun, that was Sass across the street.
Here’s a street scene of one performance.
If someone knows how to digitally remove big hair, have them gimme a shout.
Of course I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention this was for, and yes, Sass, I dropped a few dollars in your buckets too, okay?
Champion voice.
And man does she love her water.
The whole performance did feel like a busk, truth be told. More or less. She and her guitarist just packed up afterward and, after a brief TV interview, simply strode out onto Queen Street past my table. The coffee was good.
There, post done. And it wasn’t even that expensive. Thanks, Toronto! You too Sass, you’re a darling. (Please don’t sue me!)