This a Banksy?

 Posted on May 10th, 2010

Here’s something else I found stuck to the wall this afternoon (Church, south of Dundas). Could it be?

banksy, art, artist, urban, uk, toronto, city, life

banksy, art, artist, uk. urban, toronto, city, life

Should I go full frontal on these people?

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10 Comments on “ This a Banksy? ”

  • couponboa
    May 10th, 2010 6:33 pm

    May be! But the eyes look very lively.

    BTW how did you notice that graffiti?

  • Patrick Bay
    May 10th, 2010 6:40 pm

    I live downtown and I pass by this area regularly, couponboa. But what's missing is some sort of message — unless it's more subtle than what I'm seeing.

  • Sparkle
    May 10th, 2010 9:29 pm

    There's something about Banksy that invites imitation. I know this firsthand; after my human went to a Banksy show in Los Angeles a few years ago, she proceeded to create Banksy-influenced art out of photos for me for my CafePress store. But trust me, THOSE would never be mistaken for anything remotely Banksian. They're about as edgy as a dull knife.

  • Patrick
    May 11th, 2010 2:11 pm

    Seems he's being spotted all around North America too, Sparkle. Strangely coinciding with the release of his documentary?

  • Sparkle
    May 11th, 2010 9:20 pm

    Ah, I think I know the deal – he's sent out a bunch of artist "assistants" to put up these faux-Banksy's. Meanwhile, he's also being spotted all over North America (for real or not). All to promote the doc. Seriously, I think these are all fake, but he has hired people to do them. It sounds like something he would do.

  • Patrick
    May 12th, 2010 4:59 am

    Sparkle, I think you're absolutely correct. When I started reading about other "Banksys" popping up around North America simultaneously, that was the tip off. Not surprising though — he doesn't earn the kind of dough he earns by being stupid or lying low. The Warholian stencil approach obviously ended up being the right idea. )

  • BuzzKill
    May 13th, 2010 9:44 am

    Thik Local?

    This is fauxreel

  • Patrick
    May 13th, 2010 10:51 am

    Thanks, BuzzKill. Zach corrected me rather severely!

  • Rtf.iya
    June 18th, 2010 7:30 am

    What a nice image.Looks a bit of mosaic.

  • Patrick
    June 21st, 2010 6:38 am

    May be, Rtf.iya. I'm not sure how these are put together.