The Flickr in my butt

 Posted on May 10th, 2010

For some strange reason people continue to submit photos to the TCL Flickr group despite the fact that it’s been mothballed for months now. I drop by every couple of weeks and there are ten to thirteen new photos awaiting approval — for only who knows how long. Weeping inconsolably, usually.

I feel like such a jerk.

Well, why not at least show off a few good ones, huh? It’s what the photographers were expecting when they joined my neglectful outfit.

So here’s the first of whatever (and whenever) I dig out the group pool. I believe this is that roller derby league I’ve seen plastered on every light pole around town.

nikkon, flickr, tcl,, pool, group, toronto, city, life
E-ville Dead by –nikon

2 Comments on “ The Flickr in my butt ”

  • melon.
    May 10th, 2010 8:46 am

    really cool pic here. really capture the motion.

  • Patrick Bay
    May 10th, 2010 9:15 am

    Cheers, melon. Drop by the photographer's Flickr site — there's more like it.