A sweet gig

 Posted on March 23rd, 2010

Cold, rainy March. Ugh. Forget that. Yesterday I decided to get some coding done instead.

I got so wrapped up in it I completely forgot to write a post. That’ll happen, I’m afraid. Flash is a demanding mistress. So that’s what I did yesterday. All day. That flippy TwitPic image thingamahooie you see above is my post for Monday. If you’re reading this after March 23rd, or you’re not on the front page, that probably doesn’t make much sense. (Maybe if you visited more often :( )

Good day for indoor stuff anyhow. And today’s much the same. But you know what? I’m absolutely certain that spring officially started today, regardless of what any calendar says: they’re shooting something again.

lost girl, tv, television, series, show, notice, corkboard, toronto, city, life

Hmm. The notice looks strikingly familiar. The three-ring holes, the bright colour. The “we’re taking over your street”.

To be honest, I honestly don’t believe I’ve seen anything they’ve shot here. Doesn’t sound like the kind of stuff I’d watch anyway. “Lost Girl”, lost me at “Lost”.

However, I did get to watch the crew work. Seems like a pretty sweet gig. They begin by standing around, drinking coffee, and shooting the shit:

lost girl, tv, television, series, show, location, shoot, toronto, city, life

This goes on for some time. Okay, it’s still early (no idea why I was up), so that’s necessary.

Then they tarp over the lights, fans, and racks of stuff I couldn’t possibly identify, and haul them over to the location. After that, run the cables back to the trucks:

lost girl, tv, television, series, show, location, shoot, toronto, city, life

Then more standing around.

lost girl, tv, television, series, show, location, shoot, toronto, city, life

Took them all of an hour. They’re probably part of a bloodthirsty union so you know they’re being treated well.

But there’s something that the above photos give away – they were taken from my flat. Had the space heater going to warm my delicate fingers and I didn’t have to lift anything. Then right back inside for some Dao Sa buns and a glass of soy bean milk. Filthy habits I picked up on my travels — but I get to indulge. No union dues either. I’ll worry about rent when the cops are dragging me out of here.

8 Comments on “ A sweet gig ”

  • rws
    March 23rd, 2010 10:40 am

    a lot of any shoot consists of waiting around. on an interesting project or with a good crew, that can be fun.

    hope the cops never arrive to drag you out of there. :)

  • Patrick
    March 23rd, 2010 12:31 pm

    I have absolutely no reason to contradict you, rws :) As I said, seems like a sweet gig.

  • Kato
    March 24th, 2010 12:08 pm

    Film crews were RIGHT in front of my house when they filmed Hairspray. For months. No compensation for it either, because when they knocked on my door I didn't answer. Umm…I was at work. All day, everyday jackasses!

    And then when I moved, The Time Traveller's Wife was filmed for a month or so in my neighborhood again. Confused the crap out of me on the first day and all the shop signs had changed…

  • Patrick
    March 24th, 2010 8:18 pm

    Hahaha! That's pretty funny, Kato. I guess they did a pretty convincing job then — them union boys do good work :)

    But I've never had anyone in front of my place for more than a few days, and they're usually pretty good about it. But if it took months, yeah, I'd expect a little something something too.

  • Desertboots
    January 23rd, 2011 10:35 pm

    hey babe, I <3 Lost Girl. Don't knock the vacant actors and the boring script. The only good thing is 'Dyson' – and not not my vacuum. He is hott. Wait… I told u that already lol.


  • Patrick
    January 24th, 2011 9:44 am

    To each his/her own, Desertboots :)

  • LV
    April 19th, 2011 7:05 am

    Where in Toronto is this?


  • Patrick
    April 27th, 2011 7:42 am

    This is my neighbourhood, LV; the Allan Gardens area.