Formerly from the desk of Patrick

 Posted on October 21st, 2009

Oops. I managed to delete this post.

No great story behind this, unfortunately. No lawsuits, no threatening phone calls, no late-night tech support, just a boneheaded click on the wrong button.

Now the comments below are completely out of context. Neat :)

So, sorry, but have a look at some of the other stuff around here. The archives in the sidebar at the right, I mean. Or do a search for a titillating term.

2 Comments on “ Formerly from the desk of Patrick ”

  • The Mind of a Mom
    October 22nd, 2009 4:46 pm

    You need to go visit my blog and see what I really think…

    btw ~ I had to keep it clean as my blog is family friendly! :o)

    And I would be willing to be a tester if the program works with my MAC

    give me a shout

  • Patrick
    October 22nd, 2009 5:28 pm

    If you can see it running now (the animated Twitter feed at the top of the sidebar), it works on your computer :) It'll run anywhere Flash does, which is pretty much anywhere (I stare at the feed for hours on my mobile).

    And you make some excellent points in your post. I'd recommend everyone to have a peek!