Peyote for health!

 Posted on September 3rd, 2009

After the last few days, I kinda felt like I needed to escape to a calmer space for a bit. To some place filled with the smell of the nutrient-rich poop of thousands of microscopic organisms healthily digesting vegetal material. Good, healthy soil kinda place. With plants stuck in it. So, since I hadn’t been to Allan Gardens in a while, I thought I’d give it another go.

As usual, the place was transcendent:

right in the eyeball!

I’ve come to the conclusion that there is a major architectural flaw in the design of the Gardens. The main entrance gallery is situated right in between the other four galleries. So, you turn right, see two galleries, turn around and come all the way back to see the other two. It’s just not convenient.

But at least there’s enough to see on the way and back:

way off limits for you, sucker

It’s not a big space, mind you. I guess back when they built it, people were a lot smaller. You could just see them shuffling in, foot, foot-n-a-half tall, little Edwardian frocks and brollies all puffed up in newfound Torontonian pride, reeking of horse manure and mud. The olden days

like a horror movie for plants ... look out behind you!!

These days all you have are people sticking their cameras into every flower they see. Well, no, hold on. You do get bums coming in to do whatever they’re coming to do in the washroom. And in the rain, everyone always runs in ridiculously soaked. Those in the know know that there are hot air dryers in the washrooms. *wink wink*

Unfortunately, the Arabica tree is gone. I’m gonna just come right and point the finger at the Gardens’ staff who are undoubtedly brewing a fresh pot of freshly grown-roasted-ground coffee right now!

I also noticed a distinct absence of Peyote. You tell me what that means.

bunch of pricks

Anyhow, as nice as the Gardens are, their healing effects wear off the moment you step outside. I’ve had the prelude to some kind of sniffles for the last couple of days and no amount of fresh medicinal succulents help any more. Great, and now the walls are waving around.

I’m just going to go an l; [p;f



2 Comments on “ Peyote for health! ”

  • nunpuns
    September 4th, 2009 9:00 am

    What a beautiful place to escape to!

  • Patrick
    September 4th, 2009 5:48 pm

    It is. Almost like a trip to another dimension.