The end
Posted on May 15th, 2009 –
Well, folks, I’m sad to say that Toronto City Life is closing it’s doors for good.
The pressures of the workaday world have gotten to me and I have to shutter up the site.
I’d like to thank all those of you who read TCL regularly. Maybe we’ll do this again sometime.
…is what I would have written if I were getting ready to call it a day.
But I’m not.
In fact, between now and the Queen’s birthday on Monday (the old girl’s turning 190 years old!), I’ll be doing some renovations around here. Toronto City Life will be getting a face lift to make it more blog-like. It’ll remove the need to produce a cover image for every post which was proving to be a real bitch to do every day, and hopefully it’ll make things a little more inviting. No more grossly misleading front-page excerpts either!
This will also give me the opportunity to do some much-needed work on the Blogs section. The content on the blog itself shouldn’t change much but to help with the new format I’m going to try enforcing a six-paragraph-or-less rule. I had set this out for myself a while ago but clearly I’ve failed miserably in this up until now. I’ll keep trying.
In any event, this’ll make my life a little easier and, with any luck, make your experience here a little more cheerful. Suicide should no longer be the first thing on your mind after reading my stuff!
Enjoy Vickie’s b-day with ample fireworks and alcohol and I’ll see you again on Tuesday. Unless you live outside of the commonwealth. Who feels silly for wanting independence now, huh?

May 16th, 2009 1:49 am
Wish you good luck with making the renovations you're planning for your blog. Hope you find the best features for it.
May 19th, 2009 5:08 pm
Whew you scared me for a minute – I just got around to sending you an email and adding you to my blogroll so that really would have sucked if you were serious! Will keep an eye on things for sure and look forward to returning ….
May 20th, 2009 2:59 am
I try not to be too serious; hurts my groin :)
May 21st, 2009 12:58 pm
Love your new design. Good luck with the a once avid biker, I'll have to admit its awful scary driving down the road next to cars, but don't believe enough people would actually bike to warrant one.