Posts Tagged ‘ canadian national exhibition ’

Pequeños luchadores

Posted on August 19th, 2023 Comments Off on Pequeños luchadores

Sarah and me managed to once again successfully infiltrate the CNE. Our reward: a unique lucha libre exhibition.

There was one more image in this series but it was just too gruesome so you’ll have to use your imagination. (hint: wee balls were involved)

Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, Pictures

The CNE done straight ripped me off

Posted on August 17th, 2023 Comments Off on The CNE done straight ripped me off

Just happened to be wandering the vicinity when … look at what I spotted. Seem familiar?!

Yeah … hoisted dinghies in an urban jungle. Nice. I’ll be expecting my royalty cheque some time in September.

Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, Pictures

The ex-ex-Ex

Posted on August 21st, 2022 Comments Off on The ex-ex-Ex

For the last two years the Canadian National Exhibition, a.k.a. The Ex, has been shut down due to the government’s benign love and concern for us all. So for a while there it was looking like The Ex was going to become The ex-Ex.

But it looks like management managed to turn it around and revive the moribund fair.

And we went.

Off the top I’d like to voice my disappointment at the entrance fees. Frankly, $25 for an adult with a measly $5 discount for junior or senior is a bit steep just to get you onto the grounds. And once you’re in, almost everything else costs extra.

By the time we got in it was starting to get dark and stormy and moody but in every other way it was the traditional ex-ex-Ex we remembered.

The same old (heavily weighted) games of chance line the main concourse. The games reluctantly release the same old ubiquitously crappy prizes into the stream of humanity as it flows by.

If I sound a bit snarky it’s only because I have some insight into those prizes beyond merely having them start to come apart a few weeks later. It’s not even that I remember the toys being of any better quality during my lifetime, it’s just that I got to look behind the curtain, as it were.

But I digress.

As you can see by the dearth of photos when compared to some past expeditions, we didn’t stick around too long. We’d gone out on a lark, not really expecting to be able to get in. I grabbed only the camera, and only “just in case”.

To our mild surprise we did find a way in but there would be no frozen ketchup or iced mustard, just mild paranoia followed by cops performing desperate CPR on a man with a cane and an artificial leg.

Should we manage to get in again, next time we’re coming prepared.

Filed under: B Sides, Patrick Bay, Pictures

enercare centre

Posted on May 17th, 2022 Comments Off on enercare centre
Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, Pictures


Posted on May 9th, 2022 Comments Off on turbine

Filed under: Dispatches, Patrick Bay, Pictures

Goodbye summer, we hardly knew ye (pt.3)

Posted on September 20th, 2010 Comments Off on Goodbye summer, we hardly knew ye (pt.3)

…continued from previous post

Believe it or not, despite taking inexorably long I actually had a point to make with this entire series. It has to do with the kinds of people that attend the C.N.E. (or even just the grounds), and I’m going to call these people Conservationist Urbanists.

balloon pop, carnival, fair, cne, canadian national exhbition, toronto, city, life

… Continue Reading

Filed under: B Sides, Patrick Bay, Pictures

Goodbye summer, we hardly knew ye (pt.2)

Posted on September 11th, 2010 Comments Off on Goodbye summer, we hardly knew ye (pt.2)

…continued from previous part.

Look to the skies!

air show, cne, canadian national exhibition, toronto, city, life … Continue Reading

Filed under: Patrick Bay, Pictures

Goodbye summer, we hardly knew ye (pt.1)

Posted on September 6th, 2010 3 Comments

As I’m sure I’ve already mentioned, the terminus of the CNE marks the official end of summer here in Toronto. Yes, the Grand Old Lady once again shutters her carnie abodes, winterizes her hot dog stands, and abandons the Exhibition grounds to make way for more indoor, agriculturally-based pursuits.

And a Grand Old Lady she is, probably because of all the foods that abound within the burgeoning fair. It’s the main reason I went this year! :)

funnel cakes, cne, canadian national exhibition, toronto, city, life

… Continue Reading

Filed under: B Sides, Patrick Bay, Pictures

How my summer vacation spent me

Posted on September 7th, 2009 4 Comments

That’s it, it’s officially the last day of summer.


The sun’s hanging lower in the sky, the CNE is shuttering up for another year, and the kids are going back to school tomorrow. That’s the end of the summer, no matter what the calendar says.

As part of that last effort to get kids to forget their miseries, the Ex has the annual closing-weekend air show.

The announcers always go into excruciating technical detail like maybe we’re looking to pick up a couple of the aircraft after the show. Fires a hundred rounds a second, you say? I may be interested, keep talking.

Then, while waiting for the planes to fly into the show, the announcers go into all the crazy certifications and programs you’d have to go through before you’re even allowed to approach one of these things. For who’s benefit is that? The three-year-old standing next to me who should realistically start thinking about university now if he wants to be a pilot?

Then, the Top Gun music kicks in:

guess not everyone's impressed

The show’s not entirely ironic. There were plenty of jet fighters on hand going down the real danger zone highway:


This happened to be the air show’s 60th anniversary, so the Blue Angels flew up from the US and with a salute:


This is the second time I’ve attended the show and I’ve really enjoyed it both times. The planes fly close enough to knock toupees off and the little prop ones do some really crazy stuff. Like climbing up into the sky, then cutting the engine, starting a crazy wobbly spin around every possible axis of rotation while plummeting back toward the water, and mere moments before impact, straightening out, re-starting the engine, and pulling up. Just insane.

I didn’t get to chill with the horses in the horse pavilion this year. That’s a regret. But the holiday weekend tradition I like to call “the flu” probably needed a bit of sunshine, so it was good to get out. And, all in all, it’s been a pretty happening summer. Maybe too happening; next year I’d like to see some of those things I missed this time around. I figure it’ll probably take four to five years to properly see most of the concurrent festivals, parades, and events that happen around the city every year. And with all the random news, changes, and just interesting stuff around … good frickin’ luck with that timeline!

I’m going to have to learn to pace myself.

Filed under: B Sides, Pictures

The carnies are here! The carnies are here!

Posted on August 21st, 2009 6 Comments

The early bird gets the buck seventy-five deal :D

For cheapskates, spendthrifts, and watchapennies, today was the day to visit The Ex. Today was my day!

I think you may recall last Thursday when they were still setting up? Well, today was opening day:

get the elbows ready

There was just so much to do and see that a narrative of any kind would be foolhardy. I just kind of ricocheted back and forth along the CNE grounds until I was eventually spit out through the Prince’s Gates. Everything was there; the food, the rides … everything except the horses! *earnest disappointment* I had my lemonade all ready, and the horse pavilion certainly smelled like horses. But no horses. Equine-free. :(

Anyway, here’s some other fun stuff. I guess:

the first date ridethe one where the sick flies everywhereding ding and ding!just like animals; squirt em when they're misbehavingdid u c baby? not in stroller

I guess that’s why it’s cheapy day today. When you pay the regular fifteen dollar cover, you get horses. For sixty more you get Bill Clinton. I guess that’s fair; horses gotta eat too. Bill though, he’s milking it. Oh don’t get me wrong, I’d be doing exactly the same if I were in his shoes. Just saying s’all.

Well, tomorrow will no doubt be similar to today. It will involve a children’s birthday party. The kids I like. We communicate on a common level. It’s the stamina that kills me. They’re as fresh on their fiftieth “helicopter ride” as they are on their first. I put that into quotes because I want you to hold whatever vision of that that pops up in your imagination. Okay, now make it just a bit too dangerous; throw the kid up just a bit too high; spin them upside down for just a bit too long; include a ceiling fan, and why not the kitchen sink?

Kids love it.

Mostly I hate having to explain to the parents. Again.

I mean well. And the kids are always ecstatic just before the tears. Bah. They’re old enough to start going to amusement parks anyway.

Filed under: B Sides, Pictures