Posted on June 11th, 2011 – 5 CommentsA few weeks back Patrick and I went to the grand opening of the latest location of St. Louis on Yonge Street (528 Yonge St.). We both gushed over the food, enough to take some goofy pics of me making a huge mess of myself, as one does when eating BBQ ribs and yummy wings and whatnot, right? Right?
The management came over to investigate the camera flashes and giggling (Patrick’s, I swear! lol). When we confessed the truth about Patrick fave hobby, i.e. TorontoCityLife they were very excited for the free advertising (based on actually enjoyment of gooooood bar food, I swear!). They liked us so much that they offered up a pair of FREE DINNERS at their location!! So, we are sharing our excitement with you, the lovely followers of this site!!
We highly encourage you all to check out the new resto at: 528 Yonge St., Toronto, On. St. Louis Wings. Say ‘hi’ to my pals Stacey + Huda for us!!!
Patrick’s rules:
For you and a friend to scarf down some wicked wings + fries, all you have to do is to post the 3rd comment correctly answering this skill testing question:
Who did TCL proclaim as Toronto’s 2 HOTTEST COUNCILLORS??
*HINT* 1: female, 1: male…..
(comments will open at 5 p.m. EST, June 11, 2011)
see you all later!!!