Embarrassing Canadian government designated a form of domestic terrorism

 Posted on June 10th, 2012

If only this were some sort of April fools joke. No doubt Harper et al consider this yet another reason to keep pushing unbridled dictatorship on us (did you know Lawful Access was back on the agenda again?) Now that I think of it, why isn’t the federal government designated a terrorist organization under these terms?

Along with terrorism and organized crime, “embarrassment to the Canadian government” was considered one of the threats facing security forces at the G8 and G20 summit meetings in Ontario 2010, according to newly released military records.


One Comment on “ Embarrassing Canadian government designated a form of domestic terrorism ”

  • Daniel J. Christie
    June 11th, 2012 7:53 am

    I trust that in the interests of honesty-in-government the proposed legislation will be expanded to include “self-embarassment” -something Canada’s New Government seems particularly adept at.