Holyday wants to raise management pay

 Posted on May 31st, 2012

Hmmm, seems that Doug Holyday, the Deputy Mayor, might be starting to see exactly why those unions fought for good pay year after year. Except that all those “lefty” concepts of wealth distribution to workers weren’t exactly what he took away from it.

Instead, Holyday is redistributing the money to already higher-earning management who have been responsible for cutting costs (i.e. other employees).

A few dozen senior managers would get annual increases of 2.75 per cent over the four years through 2015.

Altogether, the tab for those raises over four years comes to $30 million.

It’s also proposed that city council reinstate lump-sum bonuses for managers at the top of their salary range. The bonuses were cancelled in 2010 and 2011, which meant about 2,600 managers didn’t receive bonuses. As a result, the city saved about $11 million.

Holyday said the senior management has helped cut costs and trim the workforce, steps that were needed to put the city on a sounder financial footing.

So to all those labourers out there who thought that the Rob Ford gang weren’t into this sort of thing, that his cuts and slashes were simply fiscal responsibility intended to weed out greedy unions, I’m afraid you were mistaken. All that extra money, instead of being distributed to workers, is simply being given to those willing to toe the line for the Mayor. And now you can see that, although unions can be problematic, they go a long way to ensuring that the rich don’t simply get richer while the rest of us lose our jobs.

One Comment on “ Holyday wants to raise management pay ”

  • Daniel J. Christie
    June 1st, 2012 8:22 am

    Well, on the bright side, it’s good to see unions are still alive and well and succeeding in their efforts at collective bargaining.

    That’s what Toronto city management is -a union. It’s a union with no dues or tiresome meetings. No need to ever walk a picket line either. As a matter of fact all the management union has to do is ask itsef fro a raise and -viola!- it awards itself a handsmome raise.

    Same thing with any government -municipal. provincial or federal. They’re all unions, the most powerful unions this or any country has ever seen. Ant that’s why they hate unions. Because political unions can’t stand the thought of competition, any competition. And that’s because the competition might just get uppity and pull back the curtain on how people like Rob Ford and Doug Holyday really run their closed shop. And it ain’t a pretty sight…