Byron Sonne’s verdict expected today

 Posted on May 15th, 2012

The media seems hell bent on demonizing this guy by continually calling him an activist, referring to “explosive chemicals” (hair bleach, for example — all perfectly legal), “weapons” (a potato shooter), and really the only charge this is all based on, “inciting mischief not committed” (openly discussing about how the G20 security fence might be breached — but not actually doing it or planning to do it).

To anyone paying attention, it’s obvious that the cops are trying to intimidate him, and in effect you, from even thinking the wrong thoughts when they tell you to grovel like a dog before them. This case is a travesty and should never have been allowed in court. But while the RCMP, OPP, and Toronto police exonerate themselves, Sonne has had his life entirely destroyed for daring to question the dictatorship descending down on us.

If this sticks, don’t think for a second this insanity won’t spread like wildfire. After all, who’s keeping such abuses in check? The cops? The courts? The media?

Police found no bombs when they arrested Sonne, but they did seize an array of legal chemicals, including various acids and hexamine fuel tablets along with laboratory apparatus. They also seized potato guns from his cottage. Sonne was charged with four counts of possessing explosives, and one of counselling mischief not committed in relation to his apparent urging of others to scale the security fence set up around the summit site. Court saw hundreds of photographs Sonne took of surveillance cameras, police and the security fence set up downtown — many posted online on photo-sharing sites — along with suggestions he made on how to scale the barrier.

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