Queen of beer and explosions

 Posted on May 24th, 2010

If ever there was a doubt that Canada is still under the British monarchic yoke, you need look no further than up. Well, today anyway. Those explosions happening overhead aren’t even for a living Queen, they’re for Victoria who kicked the bucket at the turn of the last century.

fireworks, victoria day, ontario place, lake ontario, waterfront, lakeshore, toronto, city, life

But I don’t wanna get down on old Vickie. For a dusty old monarch she and her kids have barely flexed their muscles in Canada, and if it wasn’t for her we’d all be at work today. Plus the old gal was kind enough to lend her name to the standard Canadian unit of beer, the two-fer (as in, “Happy May two-fer weekend!”), which also goes swimmingly with this time of year.

So thanks for the day off, Vics! We’ll be doing it up for you proper today, not like those crappy fireworks at Ontario Place last night (above).

2 Comments on “ Queen of beer and explosions ”

  • Liezl
    May 25th, 2010 5:47 am

    Extravagant explosion eh? I love fireworks and beer~

  • Patrick
    May 25th, 2010 4:17 pm

    That wasn't the half of it, Liezl. You should see the fireworks a couple of days after this — MUCH better!

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