The Projects Project, pt.3 (the photo essay one)

 Posted on March 7th, 2010

…continued from previous part.

You know, dear reader, the most aggravating thing about this whole affair lately has been that it got me off kilter. Weren’t we talking about Regent Park or something? Dang.

Unfortunately that seems like a lifetime ago now. And, also unfortunately, I’ve recently very much enjoyed re-connecting with the city again (i.e. more frickin’ pictures). So I’m going to pull some academia out of my butt here and am calling this final installment a “photo essay”. Haha! Wicked. Whoever thought of that one gets a high-five from me!

This implies there will be no words. *snicker*

dixon hall youth center, regent park south, public housing project, toronto, city. liferegent park south, public housing project, toronto, city. lifenelson mandela public school, regent park south, public housing project, toronto, city. life

baseball field, diamond, nelson mandela public school, regent park south, public housing project, toronto, city. life

graffiti, regent park south, public housing project, toronto, city. lifenelson mandela public school, regent park south, public housing project, toronto, city. lifecommunity art, regent park south, public housing project, toronto, city. life

You know, now that I’m looking at that, it does kind of tell a story. How about that? Guess I’m keeping it then. Yeah; totally intentional. Going with that. :D

7 Comments on “ The Projects Project, pt.3 (the photo essay one) ”

  • wngl
    March 7th, 2010 8:54 am

    I love your photos, Patrick, they capture such a broad range of your city. Any chance they'll be collected in something like a coffee table edition, "as seen on the interwebs!" etc?

  • Patrick
    March 8th, 2010 4:50 am

    Many thanks, wngl. My aim was to repeat as little as possible, plus it forces me to walk more than a couple of blocks, so the range just kinda happens naturally. As for the coffee table book, I'd definitely produce one if I had some interested buyers. Interested? :)

  • Renee
    March 8th, 2010 7:37 pm

    I'd be interested….simply titled "Toronto City Life… Pictures" :)

  • Patrick
    March 9th, 2010 10:50 am

    My rule, Renee, is three consecutive periods — max. So that title wouldn't work for me. Also, I'd want to stick too many words into that book. But good suggestion :)

  • Kato
    March 9th, 2010 2:01 pm

    Awesome post. The pictures are phenomenal. Although, they remind me of Cabrini-Green from the movie Candyman. Scary.

  • Patrick
    March 10th, 2010 6:06 pm

    Cheers, Kato. Every big city has its Regent Park, I think. That movie's set in Chicago, is it? Well, Regent Park may be a bit nicer :)

  • Unknown
    June 7th, 2012 9:11 am

    Patrick, thanks to people like you, Regent Park will not become a faded memory. As someone from the neighbourhood, I appreciate the work you’ve done here.