Jump up 2009! – part 1

 Posted on August 3rd, 2009

Okay, I’ll admit it. I was wrong.

Those tall fences along the Caribana parade route were a good idea. Unfortunately (for the people in the parade), the fencing only ran down one side of the road, and only for half the distance. That left three-quarters of the roughly one kilometer route (a little over half a mile), open and easily accessible. Once people started climbing the barriers and walking along it, the procession slowed to a crawl.

Despite the crush of people, almost everyone was wearing a grin and either dancing or chowing down on the food that lined the route. It was pretty hard not to have a good time; my rump also shook rhythmically. The sound systems didn’t hurt either; to say that they mashed up the placed would be a bit of an understatement. I still have a collapsed lung!


Today is Simcoe Day and I’ve yet to set foot outside so I’ll let the photos take over from here on in. Don’t worry, this isn’t one of those Wordless Weekday things, just capping off the holiday with bit of a break.


(And be patient; the post takes a while to load)



Oh, and there’s a part 2, too.

2 Comments on “ Jump up 2009! – part 1 ”

  • BadGalSays
    August 4th, 2009 3:51 pm

    Hey Jump Up Now, Jump Jump Jump Jump !!!!!

    Wave U Flag Wave Ya Flag Wave it Wave It Wave It Wave It !!!!

    Now Stop –

    wasn't that fun. a replay from caribana a few years ago.

    we were on a truck that had a dj and our singer had just dropped his cd – boy were we a hit. even though his cd had just dropped, his fans knew everyword and they sang right along loud and long. We had a ball. oh yeah we went to about 5 balls to all in one weekend.

    Bwoy Mi tell You Caribana Nah Easy At Tall..

    glad you had fun.

    so how is the clean up going ?

    that's what I want to see, the aftermath. LOL

  • Patrick
    August 4th, 2009 4:36 pm

    Cleanup is done! All the city workers were back on full duty and the road that was used for this year's parade (Lakeshore Boulevard) is a major one, so they couldn't leave it trashed for long.

    And can I say, you have unbelievable stamina. The parade itself was a one-two punch, I couldn't imagine doing more.