The Coffeetastic Giveaway Contest / Plea

 Posted on June 18th, 2009

empty first cup

Isn’t that a tragic sight? I realized that I had neglected my ongoing campaign for free Second Cup coffee!

Well, once again I want to praise the graces of this wonderful establishment. Hosanna on highest! Blessed is he who walketh with re-usable mug (also available in stylish assortments from your nearby Second Cup location).

Now, I don’t want to give the impression that I’m getting something for writing this. No sir; 100% unsolicited and, as yet, unrewarded. But definitely my own initiative. I’m asking for free coffee for heaven’s sake!

But seriously, when the wise executives at Second Cup realize what an opportunity this is, I’m ready to talk shop. Gentlemen, I take mine black.

Other than a lack of great coffee, it’s been pretty flat here at the TCL abode. A blanket of dull, grey cloud is oozing it’s way eastward and keeping the streets shiny. It seems to have washed all of yesterday’s colourful characters off the street.

Me? I’ve been rummaging through those terribly time-consuming Toronto Archives again. I always enjoy looking at the photos and creating captions for what’s going on in the scene. But it’s been called to my attention that my interpretation may not always be the correct one. Well, I choose to squeeze that lemon rather than let it make me sour. Not good with coffee either.

So in honour of that most excellent hot beverage company, I would like to open up the floor for ya’ll. Write a caption for a photo in the comments and / or rate others’ using the shiny stars (10 being the best).

I’m going to make this post sticky (ha! No, not in that way. Gross!), until Sunday night (let’s say 8 o’clock). The best comment (if it’s a tie I toss all the winners’ asses into a random number generator and have it sort it out), gets a bag of Second Cup coffee (yes I’ll pay the goddamn s&h – but no air shipping!)  or a prominent ad in the sidebar for a month. Sweetest deal on the web, my friends.

Yeah, well; still better than getting kicked in the nuts, am I right?

Comment as many times as you like, just don’t forget to leave your email address (held in strictest confidence!) with each one so I can get a hold of you later!

Profanity will be absolutely tolerated. Encouraged, even.

Here’s the photo; I believe you will find it amply titillating:


9 Comments on “ The Coffeetastic Giveaway Contest / Plea ”

  • John
    June 19th, 2009 5:17 pm

    Dogs and closed sets are not a good idea. You should see what he left behind this sign!

  • John
    June 19th, 2009 5:21 pm

    This is what I gotta work with?

  • Renee
    June 19th, 2009 6:25 pm

    What…me worry?

  • Renee
    June 19th, 2009 6:26 pm

    My wife left me and all I got was this shit!

  • Renee
    June 19th, 2009 6:28 pm

    I was in the store setting up the display. I may've gotten too close and knocked some over. I got knocked over. I come to and there's all these lights and cameras here! and I'm not at the store. Where am I? who are you? want some coffee? 30 cents off!

  • Nicholas Paster
    June 20th, 2009 3:03 am

    There's the bastard who did this sneaking out the back!

  • suwari
    June 20th, 2009 5:57 am

    I don't why nobody want to buy the coffee with 30 cent off.

  • suwari
    June 20th, 2009 6:01 am

    The lowest price ever? Is it true?

    Dont' know. I just said what they told me.

  • Patrick
    June 22nd, 2009 6:29 am

    Congratulations, Renee! You've won the illustrious bag of coffee and applause from your peers :)